Anne, WickedKitten, Soph, Emily, and Dia all sit down and talk about why the shows on the Queue Girls Network have not been recording or publishing for the last month. We discuss the world events that are more important than our hobbies, and talk about why these events have gotten in our way as we try to make content. This is a candid discussion. We also resolve to get back to making content and having fun because while so many things are going wrong in the world, it is important that we enjoy what life we have as much as we can. Follow all of our shows on Twitter, we are returning to the mics soon:
Queue for Fun - @QueueForFun
Anne and Emily Wrestle a Podcast - @AnneEmilyPod
Anime Sweater - @AnimeSweaterPod
Becoming Army - @BecomingArmyPod
View for Fun - @ViewFFPodcast
And WickedKitten’s show - GORE - @GorePodcast
Follow the hosts on Twitter: @anne_elise | @Royalite | @WickedKitten13 | @Lisa3325 | @8bitEmily | @krahewoods. Join our Discord, and find the show on Spotify, Google Play, Amazon, and Apple Podcasts and wherever you find your favorite podcasts!