• Quantum Conversationing + Undreaming Wetiko with Paul Levy
    Oct 16 2024

    It was a real-deal pleasure to get to sit down with author, Paul Levy, and discuss Wetiko, quantum reality and how we go about dreaming up a better world together. Such a fun, generative, high-vibe exchange!

    Part 2:




    Find Paul:


    Show notes:

    • What is ‘Wetiko’?
    • Paul’s experience of the 'shared dream’
    • Nature & origin of the living ‘mind virus’
    • Breaking the cycles of family trauma
    • Psychiatry & Big Pharma: “chemical imbalance”
    • Wetiko and 3D world allies- propaganda & groupthink
    • Wetiko is mental blindness- “slinking prompter”
    • How does it operate cross-culturally?
    • Is it neutral? Is it evil?- quantum phenomena
    • Story about Paul’s father possessed by wetiko
    • Every spiritual tradition speaks to wetiko- 'counterfeiting spirit'
    • Creating is the antidote to the self-enforcing feedback loop
    • Victimhood- subjects in an objective world
    • We are dreaming the shared dream
    • Is evil baked into Life? How do we transcend it?
    • Writing on Wetiko- channeling
    • Extreme polarization of our time- Jung & dissociation
    • Censorship & Wetiko- inner disease being revealed externally
    • Creating, observing, dreaming, imagining a new reality together
    • Consciously participate in our evolution
    • Jung- sugar and saturation tipping point
    • Light being revealed through the darkness
    • Scientific materialism & Wetiko
    • Awakening & authoring your own story from empowerment
    • Perceptions and reactions are part of the whole- illusion of duality
    • Playing small is Wetiko
    • Language and Wetiko- creative spell-casting
    • Healing in groups
    • We are all creative
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    55 mins
  • Setting the Record Straight on MDMA, MAPS + the FDA
    Oct 9 2024

    Psychedelic scholar, Robert Forte, returned to the podcast to FINALLY set the record straight on MDMA, MAPS and the FDA’s recent (and salient) decision to not approve Rick Doblin’s MDMA trauma therapy proposal, which the fake alt media community would have us believing is some sort of travesty. Oy.

    Part 2:




    Find Robert:

    Twitter: @divinecomedy56



    Show notes:

    • Returning to the USA from Greece
    • Setting the record straight: MDMA, MAPS & the FDA
    • RFK & drug policy advisory
    • Upholding “The Narrative”: Joe Rogan, Aubrey Marcus, Jordan Peterson
    • Psychedelic field researchers
    • Origins of Forte’s MDMA journey
    • US Neo-Conservatism & Totalitarianism
    • Timothy Leary and Frank Baron
    • Conference of 1981 and Esalen Institute
    • Hunter S. Thompson
    • Doblin- Secret snitch to Drug Guru and media darling
    • “Conspiracy theorist” label vs real drug-related conspiracies
    • Amanda Fielding, Rebel Wisdom, Conspirituality
    • Books: CIA, drug trade conspiracies
    • WWII: OSS members to Harvard professors/CIA
    • Timothy Leary: 1948 CIA funded MKUltra
    • Operation Paperclip- Nazi’s into USA
    • American Spirit diluted with drug psyops
    • 40’s-50’s psychedelic research
    • Leary- flawed character with anti-authoritarian spirit
    • 1985- Forte at U of Chicago- religion study
    • Charles Schuster & MDMA brain damage
    • Schedule 1 drug & most popular drug in the world
    • Ecstasy & Rave movement- drug deployment psychological warfare
    • Salon article: art students, Mossad spies, DEA & drug rings
    • Rick Doblin- questionable credentials
    • Heseg Foundation- “greatest moment of his life”
    • Disclaimer- re Israel
    • ‘Orphan drug’- MDMA has no owner/no $ for Pharma
    • Alex Shulgin- Bohemian Grove
    • Huxley- Soma for the masses
    • 1984- MAPS (scam) launched- non-profit to $15k
    • Leonard Pickard- DIA, LSD, & MDMA
    • Where is MAPS now?
    • 1970=Controlled Substance Act
    • $16 million grant at Harvard for psychedelic research
    • Bring MDMA back to consciousness exploration
    • Bill Maher and story-telling
    • Altered States of America and psychedelic movements
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    55 mins
  • The Forbidden Word
    Oct 2 2024

    Inspired by the Moe Factz podcast, episode 100, as well as “Am I a Racist?”, I am delving into trigger-heavy waters to unpack my take on the forbidden word.

    Part 2:




    Show notes:

    • Gen Z cell phone abuse - the vanity of selfies
    • Self-objectification- slutty vs empowered sexuality/sensuality
    • Text response impatience
    • Moe Factz & Adam Curry’s 100th show: The Forbidden “N”- Word
    • Soft vs hard ‘R’- Guru Singh t-shirt story
    • Randall Kennedy book
    • Hierarchy vs equality in language
    • Demoralization campaign- from album advisory labels to smutty porn
    • Slow Sex by Nicole Daedone
    • Unvaccinated status parallel with slaves
    • Purifying & neutralizing words/ourselves through usage
    • Virtue signaling represses the truth of bigotry
    • Language policing is regressing society
    • Bigotry consciousness- MAGA, TDS, identitarian groupthink
    • ‘Retarded’- another loaded disallowed word
    • Gene Keys & Victimhood
    • ‘Bitch’- rebranded and reclaimed culturally
    • Labels- a reading from Betterarchy
    • Be aware of hierarchy & divisiveness caused by labels
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    55 mins
  • Honor and the Law of Mankind with Mike Winner
    Sep 25 2024

    Deejay and Alfavedic/Qortal/Music and Sky founder, Mike Winner, returned to the podcast to breakdown the difference between lawful and legal, and help me and us understand why it is crucial for us as individuals, as well as a collective, to stand in honor with the law.

    Part 2:




    Free Law for Mankind Q+A Clinic:


    Find Mike:




    Show notes:

    • Legal vs Law
    • Know Thyself- internal & universal principles of Law & morality
    • Law of One - consciousness
    • History- cycles of past governance systems
    • Sovereignty traded for services
    • Roman, to church, to common, to mercantile, to commercial law
    • Greg Paul & Law for Mankind course- it’s an inside game
    • Music & Sky and Essene’s- parallel societies in the private
    • Private Trusts, Equity, Land Patents
    • Fed discount window and “Man on the land"
    • Land Patent/ Alloidial title
    • Equity- fairness, rightness, reason
    • Lawsuits- domain of legal, not law
    • Implied contracts- birth certificates
    • Recision, remedy, and Nazerene- Prodigal son parable
    • Odysee and operating with honor- Ask questions
    • Dealing with police officers- equity process/billing for time
    • Mike's court experiences
    • Trespasses & correspondence
    • Tyranny & Totalitarianism relies on our consent to contracting
    • Licenses, voting, & Straw-man citizenship identity
    • Taxes and forms, US corporation
    • Law For Mankind- Mike’s biggest takeaways
    • Equity & discharge process- cleaning the slate
    • God’s Law & Love frequency- claiming our own power
    • Fatherly guidance- embodying the law
    • Mike on Substack
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    55 mins
  • Undercover Awakening with Pfizer/Project Veritas Whistleblower Justin Leslie
    Sep 18 2024

    I so loved this conversation with Pfizer/Project Veritas whistleblower, Justin Leslie, in which we discuss his undercover work exposing both the experimental injection he helped Pfizer make, as well as the journalistic organization who – ultimately – squashed his story.

    Part 2:




    Find Justin:


    Show notes:

    • Origin story- from Big Pharma student to Pfizer whistleblower
    • Levels of the vaccine lie- schooling at Rutgers & Pfizer
    • James O’Keefe and Project Veritas- unanswered questions
    • 'Sane in an insane world'- testing vials under a microscope
    • Rabbit-holes and relationships- friends and family
    • “Luciferase”- ingredients in the jab
    • Exemption & Ethics at Rutgers- 2020 pre-vaccine climate
    • Adverse reactions- ignorance or immorality at Pfizer?
    • Divine timing and flow on his path in exposing the lies
    • Stonewalled & Standing on Natural Law
    • Directed Evolution story, gain of function and Robert Malone
    • Investigative journalism training- using Strawman
    • Waking up to the corruption of regulatory agencies FDA, Pfizer
    • Psychological/emotional heaviness of being awakened & going undercover
    • Trauma of undercover dates and pretending to be gay
    • Ashley Biden’s diary and FBI raid
    • Isolation and self-questioning
    • OSIN- Greg Reese & Info Wars and alternative media
    • Alicia & Brian Gamble
    • Amazing Polly & Wellness Company- spiderweb of media connections
    • Terrain model/ no virus
    • Footage for documentary Project Whistleblower
    • Justin’s future- journalism or chiropractic?
    • Views for doc/ recognizability
    • Going private with Natural Law
    • James O’Keefe & Bohemian Grove
    • Q Anon and Trump psyop
    • An agenda to promote truth and integrity
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    55 mins
  • PAIN: The Weaponization of Sensation
    Sep 11 2024

    In this solo podcast, I go DEEP into the deleterious coding laden in the word “pain”, and how this four-letter weapon is propping up both the pharmaceutical industrial complex, as well as hierarchy itself.

    • Unpacking the blob of pain- hierarchy and big Pharma
    • Sensation as body communication and wisdom
    • Agency- Where is your YES and NO internally?
    • Stupid Smart tech shit
    • Demoralization & raw chocolate
    • Santa Fe institute- liberal elitism
    • Judging our pain is meeting it with combative frequency
    • Tracking patterns through Astrology
    • Hierarchy uses coded language to weaponize psyop pf pain
    • Pain- etymology
    • Neutralize our response to sensation by removing judgement
    • “It’s worse”- Subconscious programming
    • Healing happens inside neutrality
    • Personal responsibility- Dani’s mouth healing story
    • Suffering & struggling- “I AM”
    • Agency and Authority
    • Dani’s friend Steven
    • Victim languaging
    • “My asthma makes me cough”- don’t own your symptoms
    • Identifying with pathologies
    • Unintegrated pain attempts to control others
    • Reflecting shadow pattern in friend
    • Shame and guilt- shield of deflection
    • Part 2:danikatz.locals.comwww.patreon.com/danikatzFind Dani’s books, courses and webinars:danikatz.comThe Language of Healing webinar:https://danikatz.com/Language-of-HealingPlan C article:https://www.laweekly.com/plan-c/Fuck Western Medicine article:https://web.archive.org/web/20171123133152/http://realitysandwich.com/181316/bees_are_dicks/
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    55 mins
  • Yes, Your Device is Really that Dangerous, and How to Protect You and Yours from EMFs with Dan DeBaun
    Sep 4 2024

    Dan DeBaun is an internationally recognized expert in EMF radiation, EMF shielding, and EMF-related health issues with special focus on the effect of exposure from mobile devices such as laptops, tablets, and cell phones. Dan’s concern regarding the health impact of EMF emissions grew from over thirty years of engineering experience in the telecommunications industry, where he held a variety of executive positions at SAIC, Telcordia, AT&T, and Bell Labs. He is the co-author of Radiation Nation: The Fallout of Modern Technology, and the CEO of DefenderShield, the world leader in EMF radiation protection solutions.

    Part 2:



    Find Dani’s books, courses and webinars:


    Purchase Defender Shield EMF protection products here:


    Buy Dan’s new book, RADIATION NATION, here:


    Show notes:

    • From Telecom insider to Defender Shield inventor
    • Silence of science- intentional withholding or ignorance?
    • Well-funded studies vs FCC
    • What’s up with 5G?
    • EMF sensitivities, epidemiology, and correlation studies
    • Mechanical engineering & cell phone protection
    • Smart appliances- "removing bees from the room”
    • Standard RF and thermal levels- Microwaves vs cell phones
    • What about Bluetooth?- effects on the brain
    • Vagus Nerve and radiation
    • Sleeping and blue light protection
    • Smart meters- safety is distance-dependent
    • Multiple chemical and EMF sensitivity increasing
    • Smoking parallel- from acceptable to recognizing the harm
    • Radiation Nation- based on biochemical science
    • Mainstreaming of this consciousness
    • Internet of Things- useless or useful?
    • Biometrics- Pushing back against trajectory
    • Elon Musk- good guy or bad guy
    • Challenges in the field of shielding from EMF’s
    • DARPA & EMP’s- warfare usage
    • Harmful habits- cell phones and fertility damage
    • Children and cell phones
    • EMF’s while riding inside a car/hybrid cars
    • Shungite and copper products- effective or not?
    • Be practical in reducing exposures
    • Wearable protections
    • Protections for flying- RF protection for eyes/ears
    • Earbuds are a bestseller
    • Floating grounding blankets/ excessive grounding
    • Increasing focus on personal security and privacy
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    54 mins
  • On Confusing the Messenger with the Message (Thank You, Hierarchy)
    Aug 28 2024

    A solo pod romp on all the things. Show notes below.

    Part 2:



    Find Dani’s books, courses and webinars:


    Register now for Pop Propaganda digital media literacy course for teens (and grown-ups, too!):


    Show notes:

    • The coordinated takedown of Osho, Yogi Bhajan and Sri K Pattabhi Jois
    • Cancel culture - Conflating the message with the messenger
    • Wild, Wild Country - lack of unbiased nuance
    • Guru-worship - putting flawed people on pedestals & taking them down
    • Cross the line & learn the lesson - yoga, sex, male/female
    • Union - cancelling violates the ethos of yoga
    • Hierarchy- path to abuses of power
    • Atheism and Technofascist takeover - BLM, MeToo
    • Female of abuses of power - lameness of hierarchy
    • Was/Am a dancer
    • IDW & tyranny- countering lies with Truth
    • Weaponization of “Science”- cult of scientism
    • Eric & Brett Weinstein - believed superiority
    • Languaging shift - Journalism= Information Dissemination Science
    • Story about Fred, quantum language tools, solution paradigm
    • Kamala and the clearly stated promise to do absolutely nothing
    • Mass media mind control - "how concerned should we be?”
    • A Betterarchy book reading - Hierarchy & Fear
    • Propaganda and amygdala hijacking
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    55 mins