What [un]tangles us is about knitting.
Knitting as a skill that generations of women have passed on to each other. Knitting as the way our grandmothers were using this craft compared to the way we do today. Finally, knitting is the link that bonds the artist to her grandmother as a way to tell us their respective stories. Together with narratives, testimonials and sound creation, What [un]tangle us is a podcast and an artistic performance produced by the artist Marcy Petit with the collaboration of the sound designer Fabien Bourlier in 2022.
Along with the podcast, What [un]tangles us is also a visual performance, where the artist Marcy Petit, wears and unknits a red dress on stage until there is nothing left.
The podcast exists also in French language, under the name Ce qui nous [dé]lie
The performance is available on Vimeo.