Good morning, Five Minute Families! It is wonderful to be back with you today. We are thankful for each of you and want to share with you how to connect further with us. We are Jim and Kim from Clear View Retreat. Just as Paul shared his life with his readers, so we too want to share life and Jesus with you all. May God richly bless you in your pursuit of Him.
Let’s dive into today’s topic. How do you help one another when someone in your household is sick? There are great suggestions online about how your family could serve another family in their time of need, but what do you do when the need is within your own home? We’ve all heard the jokes comparing when mom gets sick versus anyone else in the household. But, the reality is that we each have unique roles to play in our homes – kids included, and when one person is sick, it impacts us all. And, as a Five Minute Family, working toward finding those nuggets of time to demonstrate God’s love to the family He placed you in, is important. Let’s look at how you can minister to your sick loved one, even in the busy-ness of your own requirements and expectations.
Here at Clear View Retreat we speak often of one-anothering. The Bible is full of verses that inspire us to act in relation to one another. Instead of feeling inconvenienced when someone in the family is sick, we need to remember five of God’s one anothering statements.
John 13:14 Serve one another. When one family member serves another, it reminds each of us that Jesus served. When someone is sick, taking the time to think of what he or she might want to drink or eat, says that you were willing to set aside your own desires for the moment. It doesn’t take five minutes to make your sick family member a plate of food and bring it to them.
1 Corinthians 12:26 Suffer with one another. Recently, I had a yet another reaction to another medication that was supposed to help me. I felt defeated and like this health trial would never end. I started crying in front of my entire household. One of my sons sat next to me, put his arm around me, and let me cry. He didn’t try to fix it or cheer me up. He just sat with me. It took about two minutes of his time, but his gesture continues to minister to me today. I felt seen and heard and validated in my pain.
Acts 6:1-7 Care for one another. Sometimes, a sick family member takes more than just bringing them fluids and food. Extra trips to the store or the doctor’s office may be necessary. For kiddos, that may mean extra time away from your mom or dad. One of the best things kids can do for their parents if one is sick, is to be kind to their other siblings. If one of the other kiddos are sick, mom or dad must remember to cuddle up to the healthy child and remind him or her that they are important too.
Galatians 6:1-3 Carry each other’s burdens. We had a big celebration party planned, and I was too sick to do the edging of our walk and driveway. I really like the finished look of an edged lawn. But, I just couldn’t do it. My sweet husband could not have cared less if the lawn is edged or not. Mowed and weedeated, yes, but edging was my thing. However, because I could not do it, and he knew it mattered to me, he took the extra time to edge, not because I asked him but because he wanted to ease my burden.
Hebrews 10:25 Encourage one another. Five Minute Family, maybe there isn’t anything you can DO in the moment. Your loved one is going to have to go through the pain and process of whatever is ailing them. But, you can always choose to encourage each other. Maybe you write some of the sick family member’s favorite verses on notes and leave them for him or her to find. Maybe you choose to take an extra moment to smile when you are concerned, to hug when you are scared, or to laugh when you know you might cry. Bringing encouragement makes even the heaviest of days lighter.
May God bless your family with health and...