• Chelek 20, Vayechi 3 - Fruma Schapiro
    Jan 10 2025

    Sicha #196: Parshas Vayechi, Chelek Chof pg 243.

    Commitment to Education of generations of children beyond my basic responsibilities- it’s worth it!

    Yosef raising his great-grandchildren and what we can learn from it!

    Thank you to 2 Sponsors of this week's sicha learning! Rivky brikman, Chabad of SeaGate/ Coney Island

    In honor of 5 teves. May we see our complete didan notzach and may we always bring The Rebbe Nachas ruach!

    Thank you to a listener, Esty, who co-sponsored in honor of her upcoming birthday this Sunday! It should be a shnas bracha & hatzlacha!!

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    32 mins
  • Chelek 20, Chanukah 2 - Fruma Schapiro
    Dec 27 2024

    Shabbos Chanukah, Likkutei Sichos Chelek Chof page 207

    Theme: My Light is Enough. When its for the mitzvah, whatever I've got counts!

    Today's Sicha is sponsored by Henna Shomer: Empowering Frum Women Through Movement

    Henna's Restore Your Core and Prenatal classes offer a proven approach, grounded in a deep understanding of women’s unique needs, to help you rebuild strength, prevent pain, and feel confident in your body—at every stage of motherhood and beyond.

    Mrs. Schapiro and I both highly recommend!!

    contact at: hennashomer.com 310.279.3315

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    24 mins
  • Chelek 20, Vayeishev 2 - Fruma Schapiro
    Dec 20 2024

    Gut Yom Tov! Yud Tes Kislev, Parshas Vayeishev Chelek Chof pg 185

    Theme: Loving my brothers through thick and thin

    This sicha was graciously sponsored by Chanie Diskin in honor of her Yom Holedes.Thank you for enabling us to access the Rebbe's Toira in such an accessible form! May all that are involved in this holy project be gebentched with Hatzlocha in all of their endeavors!

    גוט יום טוב !

    שנה טובה בלימוד החסידות ובדרכי החסידות תכתבו ותחתמו!

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    36 mins
  • Chelek 20 Vayishlach 2 - Fruma Schapiro
    Dec 13 2024

    Theme: Crushed and confused. The place between one step of growth and another.

    This week's Sicha is sponsored by Shaina Zirkind in honor of her birthday.

    "Thank you to Etty for arranging this learning weekly and to Mrs. Schapiro for teaching it!!"

    This one really hits. That place going from one level to another can be confusing and totally untethered. The nasi asks on all of our behalf that even though right now we look like katonti, a place of confusion, we don't know where to stand on firm ground, Hashem's promise should be fulfilled "Haitiv Eitiv Imach! Hsahem is going to do amazing good things for us!

    Likkutei Sichos, Parshas Vayishlach: Chelek Chof pg 166

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    32 mins
  • Chelek 20, Vayeitzei 2 - Fruma Schapiro
    Dec 6 2024

    Hey Kislev, Parshas Vayeitzei

    This sicha is sponsored by Mushka Heidingsfeld with lots of thanks to Mrs. Schapiro in honor of her Shabbos Kallah and upcoming Chasunah! Mazal Tov! Bshaa Tova Umitzlachas Binyan Adei Ad!

    Chelek chof page 129

    Its Easy for Eretz Yisroel to be ours, access the Yechida Power!

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    23 mins
  • Chelek 23, Maasei 2 - Fruma Schapiro
    Oct 16 2024

    Yud Daled Tishrei. Erev Sukkos

    Thank you to this week’s Sicha Sponsors:

    Simi Mishulovin in honor of Rabbi & Mrs. Schapiro (YES!) & to thank Hashem for our new baby Shimon (MAZAL TOV!)

    & Rochel Zuckerman in honor of our son Binyamin HaLevi on his birthday! (MAZAL TOV!) Today is also her father’s yahrtzeit, we wish their family all the brachos & long, healthy life!

    Theme: Thanking Hashem TOGETHER!

    1. Hallel, let’s praise Hashem and be aware of Hashem running the show. Big miracles come from Hashem! Big and Small personal ones
    2. Praising comes together with achdus, connecting to other Yidden - to all kinds! What kind of achdus? The kind that INCLUDES all yidden!
    3. Simcha/shturem that goes on when we all do this together!

    Use Sukkos as a time to focus on the GOODNESS, the MIRACLES, with ACHDUS & with JOY!

    Sicha: Chelek Chof Gimmel. pg 233

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    29 mins
  • Chelek 24, Yom Kippur - Fruma Schapiro
    Oct 10 2024

    Thank you to this week’s Sicha Sponsors!

    Ruchama Thaler in honor of her mothers yahrtzeit, on zayin tishrei

    חיה שרה רחל בת ר׳ חיים יוסף שלמה

    May her neshama have an aliyah!

    Rochel Zuckerman In honor of her father’s upcoming yartzheit on Yud Daled Tishrei, Shlomo Ben Avraham, may his neshama have an Aliyah!

    May all of our learning be in their zchus and the zchus of your families!

    Rivky Kirsh of KIRSH JEWELERS: in honor of these sichos: The sichos are real gems! Who better to say this than someone who works with jewels every day and beautifies women - thank you for joining in the spiritual jewelry to help us prepare for Yom Tov!

    A Listener who wishes everyone a Gmar Chasima Tova, & a year full of revealed brochos for everyone!

    THEME: Taking Teshuva to a whole new level!

    Pnimiyus Teshuva, every yid wants one thing - to be connected to Hashem

    I don’t feel it! Main thing is STEP into the mikvah - try!

    Depth of the relationship WILL unfold (rabbi akiva)

    Sometimes where I am right now I can't see that in myself - but all I need to do is take a STEP, move forward, and then Hashem will take things to the next level! Certain situations I stand in and only see Golus, but I can be in my struggle, in my golus and tap into perspective - see “the laughter of Rabbi Akiva” see the future - and tap into future Geulah in today's Golus.

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    32 mins
  • Chelek 24, Rosh Hashana 2 - Fruma Schapiro
    Oct 2 2024

    Theme: It’s Time to Shake Up the Satan!

    It's time to shake up the Satan! Our attitude is going to make the Satan lose his footing! We are confident that Hashem already gave us a shana tova umetukah!

    We want to go into Rosh Hashana without the voice of the Satan at all!

    Some customs we do to mix up the Satan: NOT speaking about Rosh Chodesh in the Tefillos of Rosh Hashana, by NOT blowing shofar erev RH, by not bentching the chodesh on Shabbos Mevorchim, we dont start Shabbos Bereishis until after Simchas Torah, plus blowing shofar all Elul confuses the Satan, we blow numerous times throughout RH so even that throws the Satan off.

    This idea seems silly. The Satan is no fool. He’s been around every year.

    This idea is not to confuse him WHEN Rosh Hashana is, its deeper:

    We will fool him with our approach, our attitude that we take this Rosh Hashana!

    1. CONFIDENT stand! We go into Rosh Hashana fully confident we are already sealed for a Shana Tova Umesuka!
    2. Tremendous Hisorerus from deep within me. I dont want the Satan in my life anymore, this deep inner shofar voice can push me in a way other things cannot
    3. Know that sometimes there are things we CAN do to connect to Hashem bsimcha, and sometimes there are things we CANNOT do - this also connects us to Hashem, bsimcha!

    Shana Tova Umesukah with true open revealed brachos with Moshiach!

    Erev Rosh Hashana, 29 Elul, Chelek Chof Daled, page 222

    Sicha Sponsors:

    *Huge Mazal Tov to Mrs. Schapiro for her new grandson born today, Boruch Hashem!

    *This week’s sicha is sponsored by Hentcha Zavdi in appreciation to Etty & Mrs. Schapiro for helping us stay connected and learn in such a clear, enjoyable, practical way. And as a zchus for Chassidishe, Gezunte and Freiliche children.

    *and sponsored by Libby Oster לזכות ולרפואה שלימה לאהרן בן חנה בטוב הנראה והנגלה! We should all have a כתיבה וחתימה טובה a שנה טובה ומתוקה! We should all merit to have the גאולה with Moshiach now!!

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    32 mins