• Episode 23: Easter Sunday - The POWER of His Resurrection - Josiah Sherwen - 31 March 2024
    Sep 4 2024

    This Easter Sunday Josiah takes us through the Gospel message and reminds us of the power of our risen King Jesus!

    In this message we take a look a the resurrection in Matthew chapter 28 and the Gospel message in 1 Corinthians 15.

    The power of the Resurrection Means

    1. That we have faith in our salvation!

    Without the fact that Jesus died and rose again for our sins our faith is futile!

    This is fundamental to our faith, that as Jesus died on the cross so we die to our old life and as He rose again so we rise again with a new life as new creations!

    If He didn't rise again we would still be in our sin, but because He went to the cross we get to be free from our sin!

    If you want to be free from your sin you need to believe the truth of the cross!

    2. That we worship from the joy of our salvation!

    When we belief and receive the truth of the cross we fully saved and the joy of our salvation pulls us into worship and praise!

    3. That we are in a battle to believe the truth of our salvation and lead others to belief!

    His resurrection also means there is a battle for the Gospel message to go forth and be received!

    This is the battle to believe the truth of the cross, that Jesus really rose and that our testimonies are also true!

    4. Means Life, Redemption and Restoration for all who belief

    Peter is so relatable that he was so vibrant in his faith yet failed many times, and still Jesus redeems and calls him.

    5. Means Mission and Discipleship

    Jesus has given us all authority to heal, baptise and lead others to Him.

    6. Means that we have a glorious Hope

    We've got to belief that His resurrection means a glorious future after this life.

    7.. Means that we have eternal life

    Eternal life is knowing Jesus, its having a relationship with Him

    In right relationship with Him, intimately knowing Him!

    Inviting Him into our life..

    The joy that was set before Jesus, was that you and I would have deep relationship with Him!

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    36 mins
  • Episode 22: Good Friday - Jesus the Paschal Lamb - Les Sherwen - 29 March 2024
    Sep 4 2024

    Life death and resurrection

    Jesus is our Paschal Lamb, our Passover lamb that takes away the sin of the world!

    Les takes us through a journey of the origins of the Passover in Exodus and highlights the significance of what this means for us in the New Covenant!

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    21 mins
  • Episode 21: Palm Sunday part 2 - Divine Order through Praise - Josiah Sherwen - 24 March 2024
    Sep 4 2024

    Recap from last week:

    It is important that we walk in mercy and forgiveness

    2 Cor 10:11 - Least Satan should take advantage of us

    Psalm 77:10-12 - I will remember the works of the Lord

    The power of our testimony

    Take time to meditate on what God has done

    Romans 13:11-14 - Let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the Lord Jesus Christ

    Part 2

    Luke 19:28-48 - The Triumphal Entry

    3 Things from this passage

    1. Enthroning Jesus

    It is our praise that enthrones Him

    Ps 22:3 - but you are holy, O you who are enthroned in the holy place when we praise you

    Praise ushers in the new season of the Lord.

    Worship positions us to partner with what God is doing, breaks the strongholds and silences the enemy.

    2. When we weep with the Lord He gives us His authority

    This is when we get His heart for His people.

    Psalm 126 - Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy

    Psalm 84:5-7 - Blessed is the man who's strength is in You

    Pursuing Christ with all of our heart

    We go through the seasons of weeping with the Lord for Him to build strength and beauty for ministry and future seasons.

    3. When He is Lord He brings His divine order by His judgements that carry blessing and breakthrough

    The Spirit and the bride say come!

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    41 mins
  • Episode 20: Palm Sunday part 1 - Divine Order - Josiah Sherwen - 17 March 2024
    Aug 10 2024

    Post Upperroom Conference Josiah shares a word about when the enemy tries to attack after a victory. When the enemy comes to bring doubt about what God has done, we need to take a moment to remember our testimonies!

    Matthew 21:1-13

    As they begin to praise Him Jesus enters the temple

    When Jesus comes into the temple he comes with anger to bring divine order.

    He flips the tables and makes a whip.

    Romans 13:11-14

    It is time to awake from our slumber, to put on the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Make no provision for the flesh.

    On the back of a spiritual high we can go back to things of the flesh to find rest.

    The Lord says I am your rest.

    Is there anything in our life that hinders our love for you?

    Is there anything that is distracting us from you Lord?

    Where does God want to bring divine order to in your life?

    This is His Kingdom

    Ministry to the Lord

    Ministry to His House

    Ministry to the world

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    38 mins
  • Episode 19: Upperroom 6. Con Sunday Morning - Josiah Sherwen - Turn to God and see His Faithfulness - 10 March 2024
    Jul 28 2024

    We were incredibly blessed in March to have a group come from Upperroom for two weeks! In the first week some of our team went with them down to Sanctuary Church in Melbourne for a conference. Then in the second week (7-10th of March) we held a conference weekend at our Zion base.

    This message is from the Sunday morning of the conference weekend, where Josiah spoke on turning aside to God in every season to see God's faithfulness.

    Proverbs 3 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, and he will make your path straight

    You can truly trust in Him, in every season in every battle, even and especially when we don't understand we must keep close to Him.

    When we don't get what we want and we don't understand we cannot lean on our on understand. We must lay it all down in worship and prayer and remain open to Him, asking Him what He wants to say, what He is doing that we don't see.

    Exodus 3 - When Moses meets God for the first time

    When the Lord saw that Moses turned aside to look then God called to him

    And when God spoke to Him it changed a nation

    Will you turn aside to God in your time of need, in the midst of the battle?

    He is so faithful

    Would His faithfulness be written and authored on our hearts.

    The beauty of Jesus will sustain you through any session.

    It's only through falling in love with Him that we are set on fire with passion.

    Let this be your song and sustain you through it all!

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    35 mins
  • Episode 18: Upperroom 5. Con Saturday night - Aaron Smith - Let Jesus touch you!- 9 March 2024
    Jun 22 2024

    We were incredibly blessed in March to have a group come from Upperroom for two weeks! In the first week some of our team went with them down to Sanctuary Church in Melbourne for a conference. Then in the second week (7-10th of March) we held a conference weekend at our Zion base.

    This message is from the last night of the conference, Saturday night, where Aaron spoke on stewarding the presence of God.

    True friendship and true intimacy is personal, it is the sharing of burdens and secrets as well as the joy, fun and other aspects of life. In this message Aaron invites us to be still before God, to let Him touch us; to let Him move us.

    If we don't stop talking in prayer we won't be attentive to His voice and the burdens on His heart, then we can't partner with Him.

    If we can't be present with God and continue to let technology distract us, then we will let it hinder true connection with Him.

    What is it to be friends with God, to let Him move us, touch our hearts?

    What is it to worship more in secret then in church and on the stage?

    This is the call of Jesus to be one with Him just like the trinity are one.

    Let us be still and let Him touch us!

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    1 hr and 42 mins
  • Episode 17: Upperroom Con 4. Saturday midday panel - Aaron & Sarah Beth Smith - 9 March 2024
    Jun 8 2024

    We were incredibly blessed in March to have a group come from Upperroom for two weeks! In the first week some of our team went with them down to Sanctuary Church in Melbourne for a conference. Then in the second week (7-10th of March) we held a conference weekend at our Zion base.

    This message is from Saturday After Lunch, where we sat Aaron and Sarah Beth down to answer some questions from the audience.

    This was a beautiful time where we got to hear personal keys and insights from Aaron and Sarah Beth's life about doing marriage and family in ministry.

    God lead this question panel into a beautiful place of ministry, focusing on any areas where we have been in denial about offence and the pain that surrounds it, then bringing that to God to let Him do what He wants to do in our heart!

    One great line that came through was

    'Give me your pain and I'll give you breakthrough'

    This is what Jesus says to us, come close to my heart and be real with me

    Don't hide your pain from me

    May you be blessed by this podcast

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Episode 16: Upperroom Con 3. Saturday morning - Intimacy Flows From Authenticity - Sarah Beth Smith - 9 March 2024
    May 26 2024

    We were incredibly blessed in March to have a group come from Upperroom for two weeks! In the first week some of our team went with them down to Sanctuary Church in Melbourne for a conference. Then in the second week (7-10th of March) we held a conference weekend at our Zion base.

    This message is from Saturday morning.

    That's weird, could be God, probably is

    One of the biggest things that stops us from receiving God is offence

    Blessed are those who are not offended by God

    Luke 7:36

    This story is the shift from religion to relationship.

    Religion can look good, yet it doesn't get you closer to God.

    It's not about lip-service it's about your heart.

    Religion steels you from My feet, it steels you from My heart.

    Luke 24:5

    Why do you seek the living among the dead.

    This is religion

    Ps 51:16 - For You will not delight in sacrifice, You will not be pleased with a burnt offering, the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart O God You will not despise.

    Be 100% you in His presence, no mask, no performance.

    Worship is a life laid down at His feet

    It's all from the oil we get when we sit at His feet.

    Revival is tears and intimacy.

    It starts with knowing Him.

    It starts with Him healing our pain and trauma.

    Mark 2:18

    This new wine is intimacy with Him

    Song of Songs 2:1 Your love is better than wine.

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    33 mins