• Episode 29: The Build & the Battle -Wk4 - The Blessings of dwelling with God - Josiah Sherwen - 26 May 2024
    Jan 8 2025

    In Week 4 of our build and battle series Josiah brings a word on the blessings that come when we welcome God to dwell with us.

    Psalm 132 shows a beautiful sequence of events of God's vision and plan. It is God's vision to dwell with His people, where He dwells there is His presence, nearness and intimacy. The result of this is His abundant provision and blessings upon His people, where the poor in spirit are fed both spiritually and physically. From this God establishes righteous leaders, clothing His priests with salvation and maturity which leads to joyous saints as they also mature. This is the advancement of His governance and Kingdom leading to the lost receiving the revelation of Jesus as their saviour. When He is accepted as King His enemies scatter and the leadership of Jesus flourishes.

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    32 mins
  • Episode 28: The Build & the Battle -Wk3 - God is the Restorer - Josiah Sherwen - 19 May 2024
    Jan 8 2025

    In Week 3 of our build and battle series Josiah brings a word on how God can restore anything in our life's. As we join Him in the fight and allow Him to restore areas in our life's, we need to stand firm in our authority as conquerors in Christ, letting go of any victim mentalities.

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    33 mins
  • Episode 27: The Build & the Battle -Wk2 - Removing the Idols so God can be King - Jonah Pearson - 5 May 2024
    Jan 8 2025

    In Week 2 of our build and battle series Jonah brings a word on removing the idols in our life's so God can be the rightful king of our life's. Jonah draws from 1 Samuel 5, talking about the significance of what the Philistine god Dagon represents as false idols in our lives. Dagon was depicted as a half man half fish character and represented Storms and striving. Jonah warns us not to exalt our pain or our striving above God, that we must always thank and praise Him as our God, our comforter, teacher and provider.

    Just like in 1 Samuel 5, when God is invited into a temple all other false gods and idols fall to the ground and break.

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    34 mins
  • Episode 26: The Build & the Battle - Wk1 - Intro - Josiah Sherwen - 21 April 2024
    Jan 8 2025

    This is week one of a new series called 'the build and the battle', where the main focus is building us up as a community to also understand the spiritual battle we are in.

    Firstly, we need to understand that Jesus has already won the battle and this is how we approach spiritual warfare. As we take ground in the kingdom we are pushing back against the enemy. The gates of hell wont prevail against us, so we don't keep a victim mentality.

    The new wine requires a new wineskin

    This speaks of us being flexible to Him as He leads us

    Join us on this journey

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    42 mins
  • Episode 25: What is the voice of the Lord? - Rory Walker - 14 April 2024
    Dec 23 2024

    This week Rory carries on from Josiah's message last week on 'hearing the voice of the Lord', focusing on what is the tone of God's voice and how can we grow in our discernment in distinguishing His voice from the enemy's voice.

    Genesis 1 - Let there be light

    This is our introduction to the voice of God, where He commanded something there was a response from creation.

    There is power in His voice and sometimes we loose reverence for this same voice that spoke us into being and still holds us together.

    Genesis 3 - Introduction to the voice of the enemy

    Did God really say you must not eat from the tree of the garden

    So he takes what God said, he twists it and brings deception.

    Adam and Eve had a choice to follow God's voice or the enemy's voice, and that same choice echo's throughout humanity, where we still live with this choice everyday.

    Our voice's are more powerful then what we think, there is life and death in our tongue, so we need to be careful with what we say.

    We need to be careful with the voices we choose to listen to in this generation of over information.

    Find where their is life and tune into that.

    You will know from the fruit.

    John 10 -

    In the days of Jesus a 'sheepfold' was a pen that was setup by nomadic shepherds' to keep herds of sheep safe.

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    49 mins
  • Episode 24: Hearing the voice of God - Josiah Sherwen - 4 April 2024
    Nov 17 2024

    This week Josiah leads us in a message of hearing from God, encouraging us to live a life in deep relationship with Jesus and this means hearing His voice.

    Jo does a recap of last weeks message on Easter Sunday

    One great quote was 'if our relationship with God is only through someone else then we're missing the Gospel'!

    He paid the highest price for us to have relationship with him!

    All of John 10 - Jesus the good shepherd

    Hebrews chapter 3 & 4

    Sheep follow the shepherd for they know His voice

    Jesus is the door - the way, the truth and the life

    Jesus is the door in which we enter to hear His voice

    We need to be born again to hear His voice

    That all would hear His voice and follow Him

    This is our inheritance

    2 Cor 3:15-18 - When we turn to the Lord the veil is removed.

    He unveils the scripture to us, that He is all throughout the bible

    And more time we spend in His word, the more we learn to know Him

    Declare the truth - Jesus is my shepherd and I hear His voice!

    Do's and Don'ts of hearing Gods word

    Heb 3:7-19

    Don’t live in active sin - like the Israelites that hardened their heart in unbelieve

    Don't disobey what He tells you to do

    Don't be envious and self seeking, for that is where confusion and evilness comes - James 3

    Don't hold offence and bitterness, this is where we are deceived and false prophets arise - Matt 24:10-12

    Heb 12:15 - Bitterness causes us to fall short of the glory of God

    Unless you forgive others you will not be forgiven

    Don't sear your conscience - 1 Tim 4:1-2

    Don't live unsubmitted to leadership or not planted in a church - Ps 92 those who are planted in the house of the Lord, shall flourish in the courts of God!

    Do read the bible - the more you read, the more you are familiar with His voice, His heart and His ways

    Do spend time in worship and prayer

    Do exercise your faith and choose to believe it - Heb 4:2-3 - the word they heard did not profit them because they did not believe

    Take steps of faith and admit when you get things wrong, repent and let Him lead you

    Do have a good conscience, being quick to obey and test the voice with others in the church.

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    46 mins
  • Episode 23: Easter Sunday - The POWER of His Resurrection - Josiah Sherwen - 31 March 2024
    Sep 4 2024

    This Easter Sunday Josiah takes us through the Gospel message and reminds us of the power of our risen King Jesus!

    In this message we take a look a the resurrection in Matthew chapter 28 and the Gospel message in 1 Corinthians 15.

    The power of the Resurrection Means

    1. That we have faith in our salvation!

    Without the fact that Jesus died and rose again for our sins our faith is futile!

    This is fundamental to our faith, that as Jesus died on the cross so we die to our old life and as He rose again so we rise again with a new life as new creations!

    If He didn't rise again we would still be in our sin, but because He went to the cross we get to be free from our sin!

    If you want to be free from your sin you need to believe the truth of the cross!

    2. That we worship from the joy of our salvation!

    When we belief and receive the truth of the cross we fully saved and the joy of our salvation pulls us into worship and praise!

    3. That we are in a battle to believe the truth of our salvation and lead others to belief!

    His resurrection also means there is a battle for the Gospel message to go forth and be received!

    This is the battle to believe the truth of the cross, that Jesus really rose and that our testimonies are also true!

    4. Means Life, Redemption and Restoration for all who belief

    Peter is so relatable that he was so vibrant in his faith yet failed many times, and still Jesus redeems and calls him.

    5. Means Mission and Discipleship

    Jesus has given us all authority to heal, baptise and lead others to Him.

    6. Means that we have a glorious Hope

    We've got to belief that His resurrection means a glorious future after this life.

    7.. Means that we have eternal life

    Eternal life is knowing Jesus, its having a relationship with Him

    In right relationship with Him, intimately knowing Him!

    Inviting Him into our life..

    The joy that was set before Jesus, was that you and I would have deep relationship with Him!

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    36 mins
  • Episode 22: Good Friday - Jesus the Paschal Lamb - Les Sherwen - 29 March 2024
    Sep 4 2024

    Life death and resurrection

    Jesus is our Paschal Lamb, our Passover lamb that takes away the sin of the world!

    Les takes us through a journey of the origins of the Passover in Exodus and highlights the significance of what this means for us in the New Covenant!

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    21 mins