• What Conquering Fear Has To Do With Ascension Learning To Channel
    Sep 15 2024

    Dr. Lesley: Hello, everyone, and welcome to today's Channeling Showcase. And our guest today is Jessie Beyer. Welcome, Jessie. Jessie owns Serenity Intuitive, a spiritual healing and intuitive coaching practice in the Pacific Northwest. She is a certified spiritual life coach and a skilled animal communicator. She's also trained as a facilitator in the Sedona Method, a medical intuitive, and a channel in the School of Intuition. The School of Intuition is my psychic development school.

    Jessie focuses on helping people with spiritual awakening, soul healing, raising vibration, and reconnecting with their inner knowing. She wants to help others to be Shining Souls acting as beacons of light that help everyone else to do the same.

    Dr. Lesley: So, just before we dive into the channeling itself, I have a few questions for you, Jessie. The first question is, why did you select channeling? Why is that something you were attracted to?

    Jessie: Funnily enough, I wasn't attracted to it initially. Medical intuition was something that Spirit put in my path, as it were. As most of you know, you can only ignore Spirit for so long before it brings you around to unveil your life purpose, which is your Why on this life journey.

    Dr. Lesley: So you were led by the nose into doing this?

    Jessie: Yes. So I'm happy I was.

    Jessie: Before we begin, though, I would like to read what they gave me.

    A Channeled Message From Ishnan

    "Your wisdom and mine are no different. It's all universal knowledge, accessible by every energy, every energetic life force. It is not hidden. It is not only for the special few because everyone and everything is special. And everyone being part of the One, has access to all. All the knowledge, all the dimensions, all the realities, all the possibilities and outcomes. The only thing blocking all of the everything is your filter. All energy life forces have a filter. Yours is not only your unique filter but also the filter of humanity. Humanity as a collective has chosen a filter with which to operate, thus limiting what information can be received and comprehended."

    Dr. Lesley: I love that very much. It's very unifying. It's one of those messages we need to listen to a few times to absorb fully, but it is very unifying. And I believe absolutely that that is true. And you know, none of us is any more or less superior than the other, and we all have access to all knowledge and information apart from the biases we've put in place. Thank you for sharing that Ishnan. Let's delve more deeply into Ishnan's wisdom.

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    55 mins
  • Channeling Isa On Achieving A Form Of Spiritual Abundance - Learn To Channel
    Sep 3 2024
    Hello, everybody, and welcome to today's channeling showcase. The guest today is Jesse O'Brien. Jesse is on the path to accessing spiritual abundance. Over the last few years, he has dedicated time to his spiritual growth and psychic development. His background is in art and music, where he is constantly in the space of inspiration and receiving downloads. Channeling has become a significant part of his spiritual journey and healing. These channeling sessions are in a Q&A formatted structure. Dr. Lesley Phillips and her School Of Intuition students ask pertinent questions regarding spiritual abundance and growth. Then, the channeled being answers the inquiries through the channel, in this case, Jessie O'Brien. First, here are a few background items about Jesse himself. Channeling has been part of Jesse's creative life for a long time. So Dr. Lesley asks him why he has taken it a step further to the type of channeling where he is connecting with spirit guides and bringing forward information. Spiritual Activation Jesse: Well, with much of it, I just stumbled my way through. My path led me to seek out my spiritual nature. It's opened me up to many different experiences and reconnected me to beliefs and things I had pushed out of my world for so long. I didn't feel complete anymore. I realized I had to turn within and find answers to what was going on. This search led me down the road of developing psychic gifts that led me down the road of finding a sense of peace within a spiritual abundance. I'm interested in learning to channel more than just spirit guides and the such. I also want to get in touch with my higher self. There is so much more to channeling. There are many times when I play music where I'm in a trance, and things come in and out, and I find this very spiritually powerful. Dr. Lesley: Wonderful. And how have you been enjoying the channeling course, Jesse: The course has been great. There have been some unexpected hits for me, like the ET and galactic things, which were significant points. Recently, there have been some breakthroughs, and I enjoyed them. I relish the different realms and learning how to match my frequency to reach out and meet things halfway. And it's been an excellent course for me to take. Channeling Is a Spiritual Activity Headed Toward Change Dr. Lesley: In your opinion and experience, is channeling something everyone should try? Jesse: If they feel called to it? Yes. I guess not everybody has the capacity to step into something like this. The world is changing, though. I believe future generations will be so accepting of this as a new frontier for many people who don't have the time in their busy lives to turn to this or have time to even think about spirituality and channeling. Dr. Lesley: Yes. Totally. I agree. As we move forward, more and more people will be able to do this, and it will also be much easier. Without further ado, let's talk to Isa. Let me know when you're ready. You can read the transcript and watch the video on the website as well as access some amazing gifts to enjoy: Channeling Isa On Achieving A Form Of Spiritual Abundance - Learn To Channel #spiritual #spirituality #spiritualabundance #channeling #love #healing #spirit #higherself #spiritualadvisors #spiritualadviser #theimportanceofspiritualdirection #spiritualadviceonhealing #typesofspiritualdirection #spiritualactivationspiritualactivity
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    57 mins
  • Tracy Channeling The Spiritual Master Teacher Jesus on the Channeling Showcase July 1 2024
    Aug 16 2024

    Welcome to Tracy Frederick, today's special guest on the Channeling Showcase. She will channel a spiritual teacher, Jesus Christ, who is considered by many to be THE Master Spiritual Teacher. First, I will talk a bit about Tracy and the wonderful spiritual teacher she is.

    Tracy Channels The Spiritual Master Teacher, Jesus.

    Tracy enters the channeling state and prepares to receive a message. Channeling is very much like having a conversation with another person. The communication goes back and forth. Who is speaking is denoted at the beginning of each exchange part. Occasionally, Dr. Lesley will interject with a question and the answer comes through Tracy.

    Tracy: OK, let me get myself ready. And then, I'll recount the message I received from Jesus a few minutes ago. Alright, I feel like I'm ready.

    I was sitting here trying to feel his energy. I was just talking, and this is what He said.

    Jesus: It's great that you prepared for a conversation with me. But tell the people this is optional if they want to get my attention. Treat me as though I am your friend. Would you do all this before speaking to your friend? I should think not.

    Please visit the website to read the rest of the article and the full video as well as access some special gifts for you to enjoy Channeling A Master Spiritual Teacher - Jesus | Learn To Channel

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Powerful Affirmations For Manifestation - Do They Work? UYT395
    Feb 6 2024

    What are affirmations? What are the differences between powerful affirmations about life and affirmations for positive thinking? Are daily affirmations better?

    So what are affirmations, and specifically powerful affirmations for manifestation purposes? More important are you attracting abundance in your life? First, so everyone is clear about the subject, let's start with defining what an affirmation is and the importance of affirmations.

    What Are Affirmations?

    An affirmation is a positive assertion or even a decree. It's something that you are saying or thinking to cement something in your consciousness. Powerful affirmations are used as a tool to help you shift. Affirmations can be used as a statement to either reinforce and amplify a belief or to change a belief, and the general purpose is to attract more of what you want.

    The broad perspective is that affirmations are interlocked with your beliefs and belief system. This is because you must believe what you are saying in order to manifest it in your life. If you don't believe what you are saying, the affirmation is just empty words. Remember, words have power.

    Please visit the website to read the rest of the article as well as access some special gifts for you to enjoyPowerful Affirmations For Manifestation - Do They Work?

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    55 mins
  • What Is The Truth Behind The Many Popular Mythical Creatures UYT394
    Jan 30 2024

    What is the truth behind the many popular mythical creatures? Do mythical creatures exist? Legendary creatures like Big Foot and the Lock Ness Monster?

    You have heard of popular mythical creatures and places like Sasquatch and Stonehenge. And many of you have had your own personal experiences of some form of mythical creatures or mythical places. Not all experiences are created equal, though. Let's examine some of these encounters. For the purpose of this podcast, the term mythical refers to mythical and legendary creatures that may or may not exist in our reality.

    Types Of Mythical Creatures Encounters

    These encounters with mythical creatures can fall into three categories. The first of these would be physical creatures. They seem to be physical creatures, still under the mythical creatures umbrella, that people say they have experienced with their physical eyes and physical senses. The next category would be nonphysical creatures. And then there's something in between them: a semi-physical or an interdimensional type of being.

    Physical Encounters With Legendary Mythical Creatures

    So, the first type of encounter is physical in nature. And the name that's commonly used for these types of creatures is cryptids. A cryptid is considered to be an animal that cryptozoologists consider to inhabit the wilderness, but science disputes their existence.

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    53 mins
  • Did You Know That You Are The Light Of The World UYT187
    Jan 17 2024

    You are the light of the world. What are the ways to let your light shine? How can you be the light of the world? Just let your light shine.

    For those of you who are unaware, you are the light of the world. That may sound biblical to some of you. In a way, it is, except there are so many famous and enlightened people in recent history who talked on this subject. It is a concept that is part of the awakening conscience. In turn, you and they are all part of this new consciousness.

    The Light Of The World Quotes

    Before examining the meaning of the phrase you are the light of the world an excellent way to start is with a few different quotes from various people referring to the statement. Then, we can scrutinize the concept in more depth and find practical ways to let your light shine and how you can be the light of the world.

    So, apart from the biblical quotes, here are some modern-day versions.

    This is a really famous one by Marianne Williamson. It's often attributed to Nelson Mandela because he included it in his inaugural address. "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate; our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us the most." That's the short version of the quote.

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    53 mins
  • What Happens After Death - Is There Proof Of Life After Death UYT124
    Jan 12 2024

    Is there proof of life after death? What happens after death? Is there an afterlife? What happens after death to the soul? Is this life it?

    Is there proof of life after death? This is one of the most profound and emotion-provoking questions humans can ask. So what happens after death? Is there an afterlife? What happens when you die? What happens after death to the soul? These are all very pertinent and emotion-stirring questions. However, an excellent place to begin is answering two fundamental questions: what is life and death?

    Life Before Death

    From a general perspective, there's just one eternal existence. So, life and death, in a way, are human concepts or concepts of a physical being who doesn't live forever in the physical body. Let's start with some truths that you can all identify with. Here are some statements. Examine how you feel about them.

    You exist in the present moment. You exist in the present moment, vibrating with energy that attracts your reality. You are part of all that is, and all that is is within you. So, you exist in the present moment, here, and now. At least, this is true if you think of your body. Where is your body?

    Please visit the website to read the rest of the article as well as access some special gifts for you to enjoy: What Happens After Death - Is There Proof Of Life After Death?

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    58 mins
  • How To Draw The Line Between Self Care Vs Selfishness UYT151
    Jan 9 2024

    What is the difference between self care vs selfishness? Is self-care selfish? Discover the importance of self care in mental health.

    Have you ever considered self care vs selfishness regarding your life? It's very pertinent because all of you are susceptible to imbalance in your life. One of the main reasons for this is that you are always giving to others, helping others, and not considering your well-being. It can be difficult to turn people down. When and if you do take time for yourself, many of you will be haunted by the question, "Am I self-centered?" And so you can end up being emotionally, mentally, or even physically wounded. So when is self-care selfish?

    What Is Self Care?

    So here is the channeled message from one of my Spirit Guides regarding self care vs selfishness.

    "What is it that you have? What you have is you. If you don't have you, what or who do you have? You are precious, irreplaceable, unique. You have your one light, your one life force, your one consciousness, your one body, your one expression of the light and life force through the body. The body helps you focus your energy here on Earth. It helps to have a vessel to radiate your light through and establish your presence. A focal point for you to create through.

    If you don't have your body, you don't have anything here on earth. You still have your consciousness but not your focus on Earth. So, if you want to remain focused on Earth and continue creating on Earth, you need your body. Your body is different than the Spirit you. It has different requirements and characteristics. It's not always easy for the Spirit to comprehend the body's requirements. The body doesn't shift instantly in the way that Spirit does.

    Please visit the website to read the rest of the article as well as access some special gifts for you to enjoy https://drlesleyphillips.com/health-and-vitality/self-care-vs-selfishness

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    55 mins