• Taking Your Life To The NEXT Level II
    Jan 12 2025

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    Be sure to check out the episode with Kevin's business partner, Alan Lazaros, in the episode Taking Your Life To The NEXT Level: (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/taking-your-life-to-the-next-level/id1657865479?i=1000677996269)


    Email: coupleofnukes@gmail.com

    Instagram: @coupleonukes

    Website: https://couple-o-nukes-website.webnode.page/

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    Want to be a guest on Couple O' Nukes? Send me a message on PodMatch: https://www.podmatch.com/hostdetailpreview/1726279485588093e83e0e007

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    *Couple O' Nukes LLC and Mr. Whiskey are not licensed medical entities, nor do they take responsibility for any advice or information put forth by guests. Take all advice at your own risk.

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    43 mins
  • When A Man's Son Committed Suicide, God Told Him This...
    Jan 10 2025

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    This episode was powerful- it almost brought me to tears.

    We've discussed suicide prevention and awareness before, and shared some stories about people who were suicidal, but this story today is a deep one.

    Kevin Skellett is the founder of Love Never Ends Ministry, which he created in response to the tragic loss of his son to suicide. He shares about how his son was an amazing man who helped a lot of people, and how he couldn't understand why this happened. Through this, Mr. Skellett shares with us the conversation he had with God after his son passed away, and it left me speechless.

    The conversation then pivots to Mr. Skellett sharing what he is doing nowadays with Love Never Ends Ministry to help support others during their grief, including resources, groups, prayers, and podcasting.



    Email: coupleofnukes@gmail.com

    Instagram: @coupleonukes

    Website: https://couple-o-nukes-website.webnode.page/

    Exodus Strong Custom Link:

    Want to be a guest on Couple O' Nukes? Send me a message on PodMatch: https://www.podmatch.com/hostdetailpreview/1726279485588093e83e0e007

    Sign Up For A PodMatch Account: https://www.joinpodmatch.com/coupleonukes

    *Couple O' Nukes LLC and Mr. Whiskey are not licensed medical entities, nor do they take responsibility for any advice or information put forth by guests. Take all advice at your own risk.

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    35 mins
  • The Benefits Of Nature Therapy- How Modern Society Has Strained Our Brains
    Jan 8 2025

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    Today, I'm joined by Dr. Heidi Schreiber-Pan to discuss the benefits of time spent outside in nature. Specifically, we focus on the mental health aspect of it all.

    A lot of people report feeling better when outside or when spending a certain amount of time outside daily or weekly, but Dr. Heidi is here to back that up with some scientific studies as well. She starts by sharing about an experiment and study done on how different background noises (at various levels) affected people during their sleep.

    Dr. Heidi then takes us back to what inspired her quest for knowledge and understanding the power of nature. It all started with wondering how therapists deal with the emotional turmoil that comes from hearing their patient's worst stories and issues. With most of them answering that they use nature to help themselves, she questioned why they didn't suggest that for their patients. So, she wanted to find out more.

    Additionally, Dr. Heidi shares how she is implementing what she learned into her practice, including educating and hosting outdoor retreats for therapy and mental health help.



    Email: coupleofnukes@gmail.com

    Instagram: @coupleonukes

    Website: https://couple-o-nukes-website.webnode.page/

    Exodus Strong Custom Link:

    Want to be a guest on Couple O' Nukes? Send me a message on PodMatch: https://www.podmatch.com/hostdetailpreview/1726279485588093e83e0e007

    Sign Up For A PodMatch Account: https://www.joinpodmatch.com/coupleonukes

    *Couple O' Nukes LLC and Mr. Whiskey are not licensed medical entities, nor do they take responsibility for any advice or information put forth by guests. Take all advice at your own risk.

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    33 mins
  • The Multiple Lives We Live: Trauma, Toxic Relationships, And Creativity
    Jan 6 2025

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    Today's episode is a heavy one but with plenty of laughs along the way.

    Joining me from all the way in Ireland, Ronika Merl- activist, artists, screenwriter, and poet- sits down with me to discuss trauma and the lives we live. She, herself, has lived quite a few.

    The episode starts with Ronika sharing about her upbringing, where she lived two drastically different lives, both of them having there own issues.

    From there, we get into a discussion on the fear of loss, pivoting toward what we need to let go and what we need to keep. We assess the negative connotation with loss, and how changing our view on what we are letting go of, rather than losing it, can help make decisions easier or more positive. This leads into us discussing toxic relationships for a while.

    After that, we get into the relationships Ronika had, focusing on when she dated a biker gang member, which endangered her life and drastically changed it. She shares with us the change that took place in his life after she left him, and how people change, while also discussing forgiveness and empathy. This includes when she became a prostitute, which leads to our conversation on sexual intimacy and relationships.

    From that, we shift into parenting and parenthood- particularly how becoming a parent can change how we view our own childhood trauma and our parents.

    We end with Ronika finding solace in writing and activism. She shares how she helps people tell their stories, and the impact creativity had on escaping some of the worst parts of her life.

    Overall, this episode offers valuable insights into overcoming trauma, the importance of self-worth, and the journey towards a healthier, more authentic life.



    Email: coupleofnukes@gmail.com

    Instagram: @coupleonukes

    Website: https://couple-o-nukes-website.webnode.page/

    Exodus Strong Custom Link:

    Want to be a guest on Couple O' Nukes? Send me a message on PodMatch: https://www.podmatch.com/hostdetailpreview/1726279485588093e83e0e007

    Sign Up For A PodMatch Account: https://www.joinpodmatch.com/coupleonukes

    *Couple O' Nukes LLC and Mr. Whiskey are not licensed medical entities, nor do they take responsibility for any advice or information put forth by guests. Take all advice at your own risk.

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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • Properly Representing Young Christian Women And Reassessing Forgiveness
    Jan 4 2025

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    Today, I welcome Reverend Cheryl Kincaid, a Presbyterian minister and author, to discuss faith, forgiveness, and healing from trauma.

    Ms. Kincaid shares her deeply personal experiences with abuse, her journey of faith, and her mission to help survivors of abuse find healing through God's love. She shares the difficult story of her father's pedophilia and setting boundaries with him.

    Additionally, Ms. Kincaid goes over how many Christian women are poorly represented or misrepresented in the Christian film industry. This is covered by one of her books, and she also shares with us her many books.

    - Hearing The Gospel With Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol"
    - A Forgotten Door Called Home (Four Women's Faith Journey)
    - The Little Candle That Was Frightened Of The Dark
    - The Little Clay Pot
    - Please Don't Move My Grandma's Chair

    Overall, the conversation touches on the challenges of forgiving abusers, understanding God's role in suffering, and using creative mediums to spread faith.



    Email: coupleofnukes@gmail.com

    Instagram: @coupleonukes

    Website: https://couple-o-nukes-website.webnode.page/

    Exodus Strong Custom Link:

    Want to be a guest on Couple O' Nukes? Send me a message on PodMatch: https://www.podmatch.com/hostdetailpreview/1726279485588093e83e0e007

    Sign Up For A PodMatch Account: https://www.joinpodmatch.com/coupleonukes

    *Couple O' Nukes LLC and Mr. Whiskey are not licensed medical entities, nor do they take responsibility for any advice or information put forth by guests. Take all advice at your own risk.

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    35 mins
  • LaserQuit- Innovative Laser Treatment For Painlessly Curing Addictions
    Jan 2 2025

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    Today's episode is a unique one, exploring innovative addiction treatment methods with special guest Meridee Hlokoff from LaserQuit.

    Together, Meridee and I explore how cold laser therapy, combined with red light and low-level radiation, can effectively help combat various addictions. Meredith shares her personal journey, the science behind the therapy, and its success in treating heavy addictions without invasive procedures.



    Email: coupleofnukes@gmail.com

    Instagram: @coupleonukes

    Website: https://couple-o-nukes-website.webnode.page/

    Exodus Strong Custom Link:

    Want to be a guest on Couple O' Nukes? Send me a message on PodMatch: https://www.podmatch.com/hostdetailpreview/1726279485588093e83e0e007

    Sign Up For A PodMatch Account: https://www.joinpodmatch.com/coupleonukes

    *Couple O' Nukes LLC and Mr. Whiskey are not licensed medical entities, nor do they take responsibility for any advice or information put forth by guests. Take all advice at your own risk.

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    38 mins
  • Releasing Grief- Suicide, Death, Grieving, And Community
    Dec 30 2024

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    Today, I sit down to chat with one of the many connections I made during the Podcasters Cruise 2024.

    Faith Sage is an author and podcaster, hosting the show, Release Grief, which serves as a platform for people to share (release) their grief. We start the by exploring how society's view on death and mourning has shifted, with the newer generations being detached from the concept of death- especially, on social media.

    Additionally, Faith shares with us the tragic grief she has been through, with several deaths in her family and community. This journey includes the creation of her book, which was therapeutic for her, and the formation of her show as a platform to help others with their grief. With this, we discuss parenting, communicating with our children, and different grief methods.



    Email: coupleofnukes@gmail.com

    Instagram: @coupleonukes

    Website: https://couple-o-nukes-website.webnode.page/

    Exodus Strong Custom Link:

    Want to be a guest on Couple O' Nukes? Send me a message on PodMatch: https://www.podmatch.com/hostdetailpreview/1726279485588093e83e0e007

    Sign Up For A PodMatch Account: https://www.joinpodmatch.com/coupleonukes

    *Couple O' Nukes LLC and Mr. Whiskey are not licensed medical entities, nor do they take responsibility for any advice or information put forth by guests. Take all advice at your own risk.

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    44 mins
  • Maximizing At-Home Stroke Rehabilitation And Mirror-Therapy
    Dec 29 2024

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    Today, I'm joined by an expert guest from all the way in Northwest Ireland.

    Dr. Kenneth Monaghan, a professor and author, joins me to discuss at-home stroke rehabilitation and recovery.

    We start the conversation with his teachings at a local University, before shifting into a conversation about neuroplasticity. We both marvel over the amazing capabilities of the brain, discussing what Dr. Ken specializes in and wrote a book about, which is Mirror Therapy. He shares with us the history of the method and how to implement it into the life of the stroke survivor. Additionally, we get into the placebo effect, praise, tracking success, the brain-body connection, and we discuss several other psychology experiments and their results, as well as how they can be implemented into healing.

    Dr. Ken also shares with us advice for stroke recovery, stroke detection, and how his book can be utilized by stroke survivors and caregivers to improve at-home recovery.



    Email: coupleofnukes@gmail.com

    Instagram: @coupleonukes

    Website: https://couple-o-nukes-website.webnode.page/

    Exodus Strong Custom Link:

    Want to be a guest on Couple O' Nukes? Send me a message on PodMatch: https://www.podmatch.com/hostdetailpreview/1726279485588093e83e0e007

    Sign Up For A PodMatch Account: https://www.joinpodmatch.com/coupleonukes

    *Couple O' Nukes LLC and Mr. Whiskey are not licensed medical entities, nor do they take responsibility for any advice or information put forth by guests. Take all advice at your own risk.

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    1 hr and 9 mins