• Collective Agreements & Café
    Oct 22 2024

    In the 8th episode of our podcast “Dirndl & Desk Stories”, we dive into the system of Austria's collective agreements. We explain the system behind the legally binding contracts between employers’ organizations (often representing an entire industry) and trade unions. In the cultural part, we get a taste of the Austrian coffee culture.

    | Terms: ÖGB = Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund (Austrian Trade Union Federation

    | Recommendation: Film „Before Sunrise“ (1995), directed by Richard Linklater.

    | Links:




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    29 mins
  • Arbeiterkammer & Austropop
    Oct 10 2024

    In this episode of our podcast “Dirndl & Desk Stories”, we dive into the role of Austria's "Arbeiterkammer" (Chambers of Labour), exploring the free services they offer, from legal and financial advice to educational support. In the second part, we shift focus to explore the iconic Austrian drink Almdudler and the evolution of Austropop, a genre that fuses pop and rock with Austrian culture and dialect.

    | ZAK = Magazine of Styrian Arbeiterkammer

    Services of the Arbeiterkammer

    Filmfriend Platform

    Digital Library of the Arbeiterkammer

    | Recipe “Gin Dudler”: 2 cl Gin, 200 ml Almdudler, Ice cubes, 2 lime slices

    | Recommendation: Playlist “Austropop” 50 Songs on Spotify

    Full List of Songs in the "Austropop" Playlist:

    Du entschuldige i kenn di - Peter Cornelius

    Ba-Ba Banküberfall - EAV (Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung)

    Macho Macho - Rainhard Fendrich

    Da kummt die Sunn - S.T.S

    liebe zum mitnehmen - Pizzera & Jaus

    57er Chevy - Ostbahn-Kurti & Die Chefpartie

    Reif für die Insel -15 - Peter Cornelius

    Steiermark - Gert Steinbäcker

    Weus'd a Herz hast wia a Bergwerk - Live aus der Salzburger Sporthalle / 1985 - Rainhard Fendrich

    Seit a poa Tog - folkshilfe

    absätze > hauptsätze - Pizzera & Jaus

    Segel im Wind - Peter Cornelius

    Heiße Nächte (in Palermo) - EAV (Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung)

    Kalt und kälter - S.T.S

    Leiwand - Edmund

    Zruck zu dir (Hallo Klaus) – Original - Nickerbocker, Biene

    eine ins leben - Pizzera & Jaus

    I am from Austria - Rainhard Fendrich

    Zwickt's mi - österr. Originalversion - Wolfgang Ambros

    Wild's Wåsser - Seer

    Zefix - Chris Steger

    Irgendwann bleib i dann dort - S.T.S

    Langsam wachs' ma z'samm - Austria 3

    Kaleidoskop - Pizzera & Jaus

    Freindschoft - Edmund

    Vü schöner is des G'fühl - Rainhard Fendrich

    Feuer - Ostbahn-Kurti & Die Chefpartie

    I wü ned - Seiler und Speer

    Gö, du bleibst heut Nacht bei mir - S.T.S

    Schifoan - Wolfgang Ambros

    Expresso & Tschianti - Josh.

    Stoak wie a Felsen - Stefanie Werger

    Tuansackl - Pizzera & Jaus

    Strada Del Sole - Rainhard Fendrich

    Hupf in Gatsch - Georg Danzer

    Großvater - S.T.S

    Principessa - Seiler und Speer

    Taunzn - Julian Grabmayer

    Cordula Grün - Josh.

    Heast as net - Hubert von Goisern und die Alpinkatzen

    Brenna tuats guat - Hubert von Goisern

    Leicht Kennt Mais Hom - Chris Steger

    Schau Schazi - Georg Danzer, Wolfgang Ambros

    Amoi seg' ma uns wieder - Radio Version - Andreas Gabalier

    Puppe (Du bist a moderne Hex') (Original-Version 1982) - Nickerbocker

    Lass mi amoi no d'Sunn aufgeht segn - Austria 3

    Hödn - Seiler und Speer

    A Mensch möcht i bleibn - Bonus Track Remastered - Wolfgang Ambros

    Die Blonde mitn Mittelscheitl - Edmund

    Weit, weit weg - Hubert von Goisern und die Alpinkatzen

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    24 mins
  • Social Security & The Sound of Music
    Sep 25 2024

    In this episode of Dirndl & Desk Stories, Anna and Kathrin explore the Austrian Social Security system, breaking down its essential facts and explaining the key pillars of this comprehensive model. In the second half, we switch gears to discuss the iconic film The Sound of Music. While it's beloved and famous worldwide – it’s surprisingly hardly known within Austria itself.

    | Recommendation: Film Trilogy „Sissi“ (1955), “Sissi – Die junge Kaiserin” (1956), “Sissi – Schicksalsjahre einer Kaiserin“ (1957)

    | Links & Numbers:


    e-card service line: Tel. 050124 33 11

    Gesundheitstelefon: 1450

    Health Emergencies: Call 144


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    18 mins
  • Onboarding & Ötzi
    Sep 10 2024

    In the 5th episode “Onboarding & Ötzi” Anna and Kathrin of the podcast “Dirndl & Desk Stories” take us to the first period in a new company. What should the onboarding process contain and what are the legal requirements to start a new job? In the cultural part of this episode the Dirndl explain the story of Ötzi – Europe's oldest known natural human mummy found in 1991 in the Ötztal Alps.

    | Terms: Arbeitszeitgesetz (AZG) = Working Time Act | Arbeitsruhegesetz (ARG) = Hours of Rest Act | Sicherheitsvertrauensperson = safety representative | Arbeiterkammer = chamber of labor | Urlaubsgesetz (UrlG) = Vocation Act | Betriebsrat = Works council | Kuchengesetz = Law of the cake 😉(LOTC)

    | Links:

    ÖGK (Österreichische Gesundheitskasse): https://www.gesundheitskasse.at

    Ötzi: https://www.iceman.it/de/oetzi-der-mann-aus-dem-eis/

    | Recommendation: Natural History Museum Vienna (Naturhistorisches Museum Wien or NHM): Venus of Willendorf, https://www.nhm-wien.ac.at/en

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    22 mins
  • Insolvency & Inländer Rum
    Aug 27 2024

    In the episode “Insolvency & Inländer Rum” Anna and Kathrin are talking about the effects insolvency procedures have on employees. As they are both personally affected by it, they share their experiences and look into the legal framework. In the cultural part of this episode the story of the Inländer Rum is explained and, of course, recipes shared.

    | Terms:

    Insolvency – equivalent to “Insolvenz”

    Bankruptcy – equivalent to “Konkurs”

    Dienstzeugnis/Arbeitszeugnis/Zeugnis = Letter of reference

    | Links:

    Check for the due date of white colour workers the Angestelltengesetz (AngG) § 15 https://www.ris.bka.gv.at

    Arbeitsverhältnis im Insolvenzfall NEU | Arbeiterkammer Oberösterreich

    Unterlagen zur Anmeldung offener Ansprüche | Arbeiterkammer Oberösterreich


    Ediktsdatei (database of insolvencies) - https://edikte.justiz.gv.at/edikte/id/idedi8.nsf/suche!OpenForm&subf=

    | Recipes:

    Hot Chocolate with Inländer Rum

    Ingredients: 15 cl warm milk, 1 tablespoon cocoa powder, 2 cl Inländer Rum, 1 dollop of whipped cream

    Preparation: Mix 15 cl of warm milk of your choice with 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder. Prepare a cup and pour in 2 cl of Stroh 80 Original Inländer Rum. Fill the cup with the cocoa dissolved in the warm milk. Garnish the hot drink with a dollop of whipped cream and chocolate shavings.

    Jagatee (“Tea for the hunter”)

    Ingredients: 5 cl Inländer Rum, 200 ml freshly brewed Earl Grey tea, Raw cane sugar to taste, Garnish: 1 lemon slice

    | Recommendation: Song from Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung (EAV) “Konkurs”, 1997, Album “Im Himmel ist die Hölle los“

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    15 mins
  • Recruiting & Ramsau am Dachstein
    Aug 13 2024

    In the 3rd episode of the podcast “Dirndl & Desk Stories” Anna and Kathrin are talking about the contract negotiations for a job. What are the mandatory items in an employment contract and what needs to be considered when negotiating the salary? In the second part of the episode, we introduce the listeners to the region of Ramsau am Dachstein. Enjoy!

    | Terms:

    - Dienstvertrag/Arbeitsvertrag = Employment contract

    - Werkvertrag = Contract of services

    - Freier Dienstvertrag = Free service contract

    - Lehrvertrag = Apprenticeship contract

    | Links:

    - For the Arbeitsvertragsrechts-Anpassungsgesetz (AVRAG) check out the Rechtsinformationssystem des Bundes https://www.ris.bka.gv.at

    - Selection of Austrian Laws in English: www.ris.bka.gv.at/RisInfo/LawList.pdf

    - Brutto-Netto-Rechner/Gross-Net-Calculator: https://bruttonetto.arbeiterkammer.at/

    - Arbeiterkammer/Chambers of Labour: www.arbeiterkammer.at

    | Song recommendation: “Hoch vom Dachstein an“, Steirische Landeshymne, 1844

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    17 mins
  • Blau Machen | BONUS Episode
    Aug 6 2024

    In this short bonus episode Kathrin explains the saying “Blau machen” which would literally translate to “to make blue” and means to call in sick – without really being sick.

    UNESCO intangible cultural heritage

    Song recommendation: “Heut moch i blau” from the album “KUMMOWA”; Holza (Sebastian Holzer https://holza.at/)

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    2 mins
  • Recruiting & Radler
    Jul 30 2024

    In this episode of Dirndl & Desk Stories Anna and Kathrin are tackling the topic of the job interview. They talk about the traditional procedure of a job interview in Austria and bring examples of what questions can be asked by applicants. In the second part Anna and Kathrin are introducing the beverage “Radler” – a mixture of beer and soft drink. Enjoy!

    | Recepies:

    Sau-Schneider = Beer + Raspberry flavoured soft drink

    Soda-Bier = Beer + sparkling water

    | Joke recommendation:

    “Ich habe 2 Radler im Kühlfach.” Franz, 42, Gerichtsmediziner (Pathologist)

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    19 mins