IN THIS PODCAST, WE COVER: 01:00 Introduction: A Homeopathic Veterinarian The Academy of Practical Homeopathy® 02:23 A Small Animal, Holistic Vet On a Roll Housecalls 03:33 Veterinary House Calls (and Homeopathy) 06:50 Organizing Homeopathic Medicines 08:59 Isn’t It Harder to Treat an Animal? 11:49 Success Story: Bee Sting 13:01 It All Starts With the Food 18:48 Success Story: Oral Tumors 20:55 Homeopathy Provides Better Quality of Life 22:03 Freedom of Choice for Clients ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Joette’s Learning Center Gateway to Practical Homeopathy®: A Guided Study Group Curriculum Joette's Study Group, Find Your New Study Group Friends Joette’s Mighty Members The Academy of Practical Homeopathy® Joette Calabrese on YouTube Kate: This is the Practical Homeopathy® Podcast, episode number 131. Joette: Hi, I’m Joette Calabrese, and I welcome you to our health care movement — yours, mine and the countless men and women across the globe who have re-taken control of their families’ health with Practical Homeopathy®. So, for the next few minutes, let's link our arms as I demystify homeopathy — what was once considered an esoteric paradigm — into an understandable, reproducible, safe and effective health care solution available to all. This is the medicine you've been searching for — my unique brand of homeopathy, PRACTICALHomeopathy®. INTRODUCTION: A HOMEOPATHIC VETERINARIAN Joette: (01:00) Hi, Janie. Janie: Hi Joette. Joette: Is that your trailer that you're in? Is it a trailer or an RV? Janie: It's a truck. It's a Ford E-450. It's 26-foot long. I have a DOT number. If you'd have told me 30 years ago, I was going to be a truck-driving, practice-owning, holistic vet, I'd have told you, you were nuts! Joette: Yes. Janie: You can see the remedies in the background hanging. Joette: I see that. So, you have them hanging. Oh, so much to talk about here, Janie. I've got so much I want you to tell us about. Please pronounce your last name because I don't want to ruin it. Janie: Well, I go by Dr. Janie, and it's Wilson. But I'm married to a Schreibeis. Joette: Schreibeis. Janie: But I'm Dr. Wilson. Joette: Okay. That makes it super easy Janie: Easy to pronounce. Yeah. Joette: Yes. Hi, Dr. Wilson. It is such a pleasure to get to know you better. You've been in The Academy for one year, right? Janie: Well, when it started this summer, yes. We're on Week 13, something like that. Joette: You're moving along into it now. You haven't gone a full year. You've gone … yes … you're into Week 13. It's very exciting to have you. So, I wish that I could describe to people — and I'm going to try to do that with your help — what I'm looking at here. But tell us what you do. A SMALL ANIMAL, HOLISTIC VET Janie: (02:23) Well, I mean, I do a lot of things. But, so, I'm a small animal, holistic vet. I graduated from Purdue 30 years ago. They just had their 30-year reunion — I couldn't go. And I, just a few weeks ago, celebrated 10 years of my practice. It's called On a Roll Housecalls. Joette: “On a Roll.” ROLL because you're on wheels. Janie: I am! I thought that was clever. And I'm on a “role” … doing what I'm supposed to be doing. So, I have a 26-foot truck that is my vet office. I have … in the background, you can see I got digital X-ray. I have an ultrasound — point-of-care ultrasound. I have it back in the back room. I can do blood work, like a 12-panel in 12 minutes. I have two different lasers. I have homeopathy. You can see in the back there. That's my favorite … favorite modality to use. But I've done some Chinese herbs, western herbs and nutritional food supplementation. Not synthetic … Joette: Different than, yes, than synthetic. Big difference. VETERINARY HOUSE CALLS (AND HOMEOPATHY) Janie: (03:33) Yes. And so, I can do house calls — obviously in the truck. But I've gotten so busy with my holistic practice that i...
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