• Your Works are Wondrous | Psalm 139:13-16
    Oct 21 2024

    This guided Christian meditation from Psalm 139 reminds us that God created us—and everyone around us—with beautiful intention and purpose.

    Get your FREE Praying with The Psalms Journal here.

    Ever wish God had made you differently? Or what about that person who seems to get under your skin... Do you ever think, If only they were a little different, life would be easier, right?

    But Psalm 139:13-16 reminds us that God was incredibly deliberate when he created you and everyone around you. He thought through detail—from the texture of your toenails to the timber of your laugh.

    And God calls his creation remarkable and wondrous.

    Even the details you aren’t particularly fond of.

    When we shift our focus from critiquing ourselves and others to thanking God for His handiwork, it transforms our perspective.

    This meditation will give you space to reflect on and recognize God’s beautiful design in your life, in the people you love, and even those you find hard to love.

    You can follow along with a FREE printed guide for this meditation and the entire Praying with the Psalms series here.

    Here are some additional helpful links:

    You can find out more about me, Jodie, at http://www.jodieniznik.com/

    Follow me on Instagram @creatingspaceforgod

    Follow me on Facebook @JodieGNiznik

    Learn more about Scripture meditation and download a FREE Lectio Divina Scripture Meditation Journal here.

    Join my Monday email newsletter here, where I send links to the newest meditation every Monday morning.

    Find out more about my partner, Life Audio, at lifeaudio.com.

    Download FREE sample chapters from my Bible studies here.

    The entire meditation text is as follows:

    Psalm 139:13-16, CSB

    13 For it was you who created my inward parts;

    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

    14 I will praise you

    because I have been remarkably and wondrously made.,

    Your works are wondrous,

    and I know this very well.

    15 My bones were not hidden from you

    when I was made in secret,

    when I was formed in the depths of the earth.

    16 Your eyes saw me when I was formless;

    all my days were written in your book and planned

    before a single one of them began.

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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    17 mins
  • Lord, Restore Me to Life Again | Psalm 71
    Oct 14 2024

    This Christian meditation and prayer on Psalm 71 reminds us of God’s power to restore and renew.

    Get your FREE Praying with The Psalms Journal here.

    Will God redeem the mess?

    Will He restore what’s been broken?

    Scripture gives a resounding “yes”—but restoration doesn’t always mean returning to how things were.

    God’s work is often about transformation, making something new from the broken pieces.

    If you’re feeling unsure about what God can do with your challenges, take heart. Your God is a God of restoration.

    This meditation reassures us that He is good, He is at work, and we can trust Him.

    You can follow along with a FREE printed guide for this meditation and the entire Praying with the Psalms series here.

    Here are some additional helpful links:

    You can find out more about me, Jodie, at http://www.jodieniznik.com/

    Follow me on Instagram @creatingspaceforgod

    Follow me on Facebook @JodieGNiznik

    Learn more about Scripture meditation and download a FREE Lectio Divina Scripture Meditation Journal here.

    Join my Monday email newsletter here, where I send links to the newest meditation every Monday morning.

    Find out more about my partner, Life Audio, at lifeaudio.com.

    Download FREE sample chapters from my Bible studies here.

    The entire meditation text is as follows:

    Psalm 71:19-21, NLT

    19 Your righteousness, O God, reaches to the highest heavens.

    You have done such wonderful things.

    Who can compare with you, O God?

    20 You have allowed me to suffer much hardship,

    but you will restore me to life again

    and lift me up from the depths of the earth.

    21 You will restore me to even greater honor

    and comfort me once again.

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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    16 mins
  • Make Your Ways Known to Me, Lord | Psalm 25
    Oct 7 2024

    This Christian meditation and prayer from Psalm 25 invites us to ask God to direct our steps.

    Get your FREE Praying with The Psalms Journal here.

    Is there an area in your life where you fear God could let you down? You aren’t alone.

    David, the author of Psalm 25, expressed this same fear to God when he said: “Do not let me be disgraced; do not let my enemies gloat over me.”

    And then David reminded his soul that God is trustworthy; therefore, he would not be disgraced if he waited on God.

    This led David to pray the prayer we all need: Show me the way, Lord.

    If you’re facing something that concerns you and wonder how to move forward, take some time to meditate on and pray through this Psalm. God will show you the way. He will help you know how to move forward. You can trust him.

    You can follow along with a FREE printed guide for this meditation and the entire Praying with the Psalms series here.

    Here are some additional helpful links:

    You can find out more about me, Jodie, at http://www.jodieniznik.com/

    Follow me on Instagram @creatingspaceforgod

    Follow me on Facebook @JodieGNiznik

    Learn more about Scripture meditation and download a FREE Lectio Divina Scripture Meditation Journal here.

    Join my Monday email newsletter here, where I send links to the newest meditation every Monday morning.

    Find out more about my partner, Life Audio, at lifeaudio.com.

    Download FREE sample chapters from my Bible studies here.

    The entire meditation text is as follows:

    Psalm 25:1-5, CSB

    1 Lord, I appeal to you.

    2 My God, I trust in you.

    Do not let me be disgraced;

    do not let my enemies gloat over me.

    3 No one who waits for you

    will be disgraced;

    those who act treacherously without cause

    will be disgraced.

    4 Make your ways known to me, Lord;

    teach me your paths.

    5 Guide me in your truth and teach me,

    for you are the God of my salvation;

    I wait for you all day long.

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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    18 mins
  • From Fretting to Faith: Trusting in God’s Justice | Psalm 37 Meditation
    Sep 30 2024

    This guided Christian meditation from Psalm 37 will strengthen you to change your fretting into faith as you remember that God will bring justice in his time and way.

    Get your FREE Do Not Be Afraid Guided Meditation Journal here.

    Let’s talk about justice.

    Or, really, the lack of justice.

    Evil seems to be winning.

    The underhanded always seem to get ahead.

    Injustices seem to go unanswered.

    We fear God may never set things right.

    But our faith says he will. Revelation 21 reminds us that a day is coming when all that is wrong will be made right.

    But until that day, we live in a world where the broken way seems to be advancing.

    Yet it is here, in this broken world, that Scripture exhorts us to lay aside our fears and trust God and his good plans.

    Psalm 37 is about laying aside our fretting and learning to wait well.

    I pray that as you meditate on this Psalm, your heart will be encouraged to turn your fears into trust.

    God has it under control.

    You do not need to be afraid.

    You can follow along with a FREE printed guide for this meditation, and the entire Do Not Be Afraid series here.

    Here are some additional helpful links:

    You can find out more about me, Jodie, at http://www.jodieniznik.com/

    Follow me on Instagram @creatingspaceforgod

    Follow me on Facebook @JodieGNiznik

    Learn more about Scripture meditation and download a FREE Lectio Divina Scripture Meditation Journal here.

    Join my Monday email newsletter here, where I send links to the newest meditation every Monday morning.

    Find out more about my partner, Life Audio, at lifeaudio.com.

    Download FREE sample chapters from my Bible studies here.

    The entire meditation text is as follows:

    Psalm 37:1-8, NET

    1 Do not fret when wicked men seem to succeed!

    Do not envy evildoers!

    2 For they will quickly dry up like grass,

    and wither away like plants.

    3 Trust in the Lord and do what is right!

    Settle in the land and maintain your integrity!

    4 Then you will take delight in the Lord,

    and he will answer your prayers.

    5 Commit your future to the Lord!

    Trust in him, and he will act on your behalf.

    6 He will vindicate you in broad daylight,

    and publicly defend your just cause.

    7 Wait patiently for the Lord!

    Wait confidently for him!

    Do not fret over the apparent success of a sinner,

    a man who carries out wicked schemes!

    8 Do not be angry and frustrated!

    Do not fret! That only leads to trouble!

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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    22 mins
  • No Fear for Tomorrow: Trusting God’s Provision | Matthew 6 Meditation
    Sep 23 2024

    This guided Christian meditation from Matthew 6 will help you remember that God cares about your future and will meet your needs.

    Get your FREE Do Not Be Afraid Guided Meditation Journal here.

    Will there be enough for tomorrow?

    What if the economy collapses? Will I lose all I have?

    There’s no shortage of fears swirling around about the economy and our future.

    While there is wisdom in preparing for our future through wise living and saving, we cannot let what we’ve stored away, or what we haven’t stored away, become an idol.

    Idols are false Gods, and they only make hollow promises.

    God is the only one who promises to truly take care of us. And God keeps his promises.

    Matthew 6 reminds us that if God cares for the bird's daily needs, he will also care for yours.

    As you meditate on Matthew 6, part of Jesus’ famous Sermon on the Mount, let it comfort you with the reminder that God will take care of you today and in the future.

    You can follow along with a FREE printed guide for this meditation, as well as the entire Do Not Be Afraid series here.

    Here are some additional helpful links:

    You can find out more about me, Jodie, at http://www.jodieniznik.com/

    Follow me on Instagram @creatingspaceforgod

    Follow me on Facebook @JodieGNiznik

    Learn more about Scripture meditation and download a FREE Lectio Divina Scripture Meditation Journal here.

    Join my Monday email newsletter here, where I send links to the newest meditation every Monday morning.

    Find out more about my partner, Life Audio, at lifeaudio.com.

    Download FREE sample chapters from my Bible studies here.

    The entire meditation text is as follows:

    Matthew 6:31–34, NIV

    So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

    The other passages mentioned in this podcast are:

    Matthew 6:19-21, NIV

    19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

    Matthew 6:25-26, NIV

    25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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    20 mins
  • Fearless in the Valley: Finding Comfort in the Shepherd | Psalm 23 Meditation
    Sep 16 2024

    This guided Christian meditation from Psalm 23 will ease your fears about walking through difficult seasons.

    Get your FREE Do Not Be Afraid Guided Meditation Journal here.

    If we’re in a dark valley, we fear—

    Will we ever find the other side?

    Will life ever feel normal again?

    If we aren’t in a dark valley—

    We fear we’ll be taken there soon.

    The fear of living in pain, loss, and difficulty can be paralyzing.

    There is no doubt we will all walk through difficult seasons.

    You already have.

    It’s a part of living in a fallen world in bodies that are breaking down.

    And yet, here you are. You’re still standing. God has seen you through thus far, and he won’t stop here. Let that encourage you.

    Let this meditation on Psalm 23 also encourage and remind you that God is good, he is with you, and he will guide you through all the twists and turns of life.

    May you lay aside any fears that feel crippling and return your focus to God, who will be faithful to you always.

    God is with you. He will never let you go, even when you must walk through a dark valley.

    You have nothing to fear.

    You can follow along with a FREE printed guide for this meditation and the entire Do Not Be Afraid series here.

    Here are some additional helpful links:

    You can find out more about me, Jodie, at http://www.jodieniznik.com/

    Follow me on Instagram @creatingspaceforgod

    Follow me on Facebook @JodieGNiznik

    Learn more about Scripture meditation and download a FREE Lectio Divina Scripture Meditation Journal here.

    Join my Monday email newsletter here, where I send links to the newest meditation every Monday morning.

    Find out more about my partner, Life Audio, at lifeaudio.com.

    Download FREE sample chapters from my Bible studies here.

    The entire meditation text is as follows:

    Psalm 23, NET

    1 The Lord is my shepherd,

    I lack nothing.

    2 He takes me to lush pastures,

    he leads me to refreshing water.

    3 He restores my strength.

    He leads me down the right paths

    for the sake of his reputation.

    4 Even when I must walk through the darkest valley,

    I fear no danger,

    for you are with me;

    your rod and your staff reassure me.

    5 You prepare a feast before me

    in plain sight of my enemies.

    You refresh my head with oil;

    my cup is completely full.

    6 Surely your goodness and faithfulness will pursue me all my days,

    and I will live in the Lord’s house for the rest of my life.

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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    21 mins
  • Overcoming Political Anxiety and Turbulent Times | Philippians 4 Meditation
    Sep 9 2024

    This guided Christian meditation from Philippians 4 will help you release the anxiety and fear you feel about the future of our world.

    Get your FREE Do Not Be Afraid Guided Meditation Journal here.

    Dire predictions about world events and the coming US election fill us with fear and confusion.

    So much feels out of our control. And with so many voices speaking in, many of them spreading disinformation, how do we even know what to do or how to respond?

    It’s easy to get immobilized with fear.

    This meditation is not intended to address any political party or ideal.

    Instead, it is intended to help us turn back to God, release the fears that are gripping us, and remember that everything will be ok because God holds the future.

    In this meditation, we will discuss our call to the impossible task of unity and Scriptures that remind us to pray for, not against, our leaders and potential leaders.

    I pray this meditation gives you space to pause, remember, and pray for God’s gracious leading. May it help you release some of the anxiety you feel about the future of our world.

    God is with us. He is in control, and therefore, we have nothing to fear.

    You can follow along with a FREE printed guide for this meditation, and the entire Do Not Be Afraid series here.

    Here are some additional helpful links:

    You can find out more about me, Jodie, at http://www.jodieniznik.com/

    Follow me on Instagram @creatingspaceforgod

    Follow me on Facebook @JodieGNiznik

    Learn more about Scripture meditation and download a FREE Lectio Divina Scripture Meditation Journal here.

    Join my Monday email newsletter here, where I send links to the newest meditation every Monday morning.

    Find out more about my partner, Life Audio, at lifeaudio.com.

    Download FREE sample chapters from my Bible studies here.

    The entire meditation text is as follows:

    Philippians 4:4-7, NIV

    Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    Additional Scriptures mentioned in this podcast are:

    John 17:20-21, NLT (Part of Jesus’ final prayer to the Father on our behalf.)

    I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.

    1 Timothy 2:1-4, NET

    First of all, then, I urge that requests, prayers, intercessions, and thanks be offered on behalf of all people, even for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. Such prayer for all is good and welcomed before God our Savior, since he wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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    22 mins
  • Called, Chosen, and Upheld: Trusting God Through Fear | Isaiah 41 Meditation
    Sep 2 2024

    This guided Christian meditation in Isaiah 41 reminds us that we are called, chosen, and upheld by God. He is with us, and therefore we have nothing to fear.

    Get your FREE Do Not Be Afraid Guided Meditation Journal here.

    Ancient Israel wandered away from God—but God never gave up on them.

    They were his called, chosen, and upheld people.

    Isaiah’s words were a balm to their wayward souls.

    And they are strong words to comfort and encourage us today.

    God is with you.

    You are his called and chosen son or daughter.

    And because of this:

    God longs to help you.

    God longs to strengthen you.

    He is holding you up with his righteous right hand.

    And his righteous right hand is stronger than anyone or anything else.

    No matter where you find yourself today, let these truths guide you.

    You do not need to be afraid because God is on your side.

    You can follow along with a FREE printed guide for this meditation, and the entire Do Not Be Afraid series here.

    Here are some additional helpful links:

    You can find out more about me, Jodie, at http://www.jodieniznik.com/

    Follow me on Instagram @creatingspaceforgod

    Follow me on Facebook @JodieGNiznik

    Learn more about Scripture meditation and download a FREE Lectio Divina Scripture Meditation Journal here.

    Join my Monday email newsletter here, where I send links to the newest meditation every Monday morning.

    Find out more about my partner, Life Audio, at lifeaudio.com.

    Download FREE sample chapters from my Bible studies here.

    The entire meditation text is as follows:

    Isaiah 41:9-10, NIV

    9 I took you from the ends of the earth,

    from its farthest corners I called you.

    I said, ‘You are my servant’;

    I have chosen you and have not rejected you.

    10 So do not fear, for I am with you;

    do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

    I will strengthen you and help you;

    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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    18 mins