Showing results by author "ZEIT SPRACHEN ZEIT SPRACHEN" in All Categories
Business Spotlight Audio 8/24 – Making and dealing with complaints
- Business Englisch lernen Audio – Beschwerden vorbringen und damit umgehen
- Narrated by: Sion Dayson
- Length: 55 mins
- Unabridged
In Business Spotlight Audio 8/2024 für August hören Sie Artikel und Interviews aus der Welt des Business-Englisch. Mit Übungen verbessern Sie Ihre sprachlichen und kommunikativen Kompetenzen. Sie erfahren, wie Sie sich beschweren und mit einer Beschwerde umgehen und wie sich Probleme gemeinsam im Team effizient lösen lassen. In einem Dialog geht es um die Frage, was für oder gegen den Konsum von Alkohol mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen nach der Arbeit oder auf einer Firmenfeier spricht. Sie hören nützliche Sätze, um sich mit einer Kollegin über deren Urlaubsreise zu unterhalten.
Business Spotlight Audio 8/24 – Making and dealing with complaints
- Business Englisch lernen Audio – Beschwerden vorbringen und damit umgehen
- Narrated by: Sion Dayson
- Series: Business Spotlight Audio 2024, Book 8
- Length: 55 mins
- Release date: 07-24-24
- Language: German
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Sale price: $7.00 or 1 credit
Ecos Audio – Costa de Almería – La luz del Mediterráneo 9/24
- Spanisch lernen Audio – Sdie Küsten von Almeria
- Narrated by: Ignacio Rodriguez
- Length: 57 mins
- Unabridged
Die Küsten der Provinz Almería, in Andalusien, Spaniens Südosten, bieten mehr als 3000 Sonnenstunden pro Jahr, paradiesische Buchten – und mit dem Nationalpark Cabo de Gata eine Gegend mit wenig Tourismus und praktisch ohne Infrastruktur und ohne die Bausünden an anderen Abschnitten von Spaniens Mittelmeerküste. Mediterranes Lebensgefühl wie einst.
Ecos Audio – Costa de Almería – La luz del Mediterráneo 9/24
- Spanisch lernen Audio – Sdie Küsten von Almeria
- Narrated by: Ignacio Rodriguez
- Series: Ecos Audio 2024, Book 9
- Length: 57 mins
- Release date: 07-24-24
- Language: German
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Sale price: $7.00 or 1 credit
Business Spotlight Audio - Dealing with difficult questions. 4/24
- Business Englisch lernen Audio - Umgang mit schwierigen Fragen
- Narrated by: div.
- Length: 58 mins
- Unabridged
In Business Spotlight Audio 4/2024 für April hören Sie Artikel und Interviews aus der Welt des Business-Englisch. Mit Übungen verbessern Sie Ihre sprachlichen und kommunikativen Kompetenzen. In "Business Skills" erhalten Sie Tipps, wie Sie mit schwierigen Fragen umgehen, und in "Career Coach", wie Sie zurückhaltende Menschen in einer Diskussion zum Reden bringen. Ein Dialog befasst sich mit den Vor- und Nachteilen einer Kleiderordnung am Arbeitsplatz. Eine Imkerin hebt in einem Interview die Bedeutung von Bienen für die Wirtschaft hervor. Sie üben das Buchstabieren von Wörtern mit dem NATO-Alphabet.
Business Spotlight Audio - Dealing with difficult questions. 4/24
- Business Englisch lernen Audio - Umgang mit schwierigen Fragen
- Narrated by: div.
- Series: Business Spotlight Audio 2024, Book 4
- Length: 58 mins
- Release date: 04-26-24
- Language: German
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Sale price: $7.00 or 1 credit
Écoute Audio – Le vrai Marseille. 8/24
- Französisch lernen Audio – Marseille
- Narrated by: div.
- Length: 51 mins
- Unabridged
Wenn es Sommer wird in Frankreich, spielt die Musik draußen : Von der Normandie bis zum Mittelmeer, von den Alpen bis zum Atlantik, überall gibt es Festivals. Hören Sie, was die Faszination der Kultur unter freiem Himmel ausmacht – und nehmen Sie Tipps mit für den nächsten Urlaub. Wenn Einheimische die Seele ihrer Stadt ergründen, erfährt man mehr als aus jedem Reiseführer. Und eine Stadt ist so viel mehr als die Summe ihrer Sehenswürdigkeiten.
Écoute Audio – Le vrai Marseille. 8/24
- Französisch lernen Audio – Marseille
- Narrated by: div.
- Series: Écoute Audio 2024, Book 8
- Length: 51 mins
- Release date: 06-24-24
- Language: German
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Sale price: $7.00 or 1 credit
Spanisch lernen Audio – Neue musikalische Phänomene
- Ecos Audio 11/23 – Música urbana español
- Narrated by: Carlos Aparicio, Débora Ávila, Itziar Iglesias, and others
- Length: 56 mins
- Unabridged
Rosalía, Bad Bunny, C. Tangana oder Bizarrap revolutionieren das internationale Musikpanorama – Rap und Trap werden in Spanien, Argentinien oder Puerto Rico mit Latin- und Flamencoelementen angereichert. ECOS Spanisch lernen Audio bringt Sie hier auf den neuesten Stand. Musik ist auch das Thema im Sprachteil – Dialoge, Wortschatz und Redemittel, wie immer in drei Schwierigkeitsgraden. In Entrevista, dem Interview, kommt der spanische Tänzer und Choreograph Antonio Ruz zu Wort.
Spanisch lernen Audio – Neue musikalische Phänomene
- Ecos Audio 11/23 – Música urbana español
- Narrated by: Carlos Aparicio, Débora Ávila, Itziar Iglesias, Leandra Pérez, Ignacio Rodríguez-Mancheño, Giancarlo Sánchez-Aizcorbe
- Length: 56 mins
- Release date: 07-12-24
- Language: Spanish
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Sale price: $7.00 or 1 credit
Écoute Audio - La Réunion. 1/2024
- Französisch lernen Audio - Réunion
- Narrated by: div.
- Length: 53 mins
- Unabridged
Imposante Vulkane, atemberaubende Wasserfälle, tropische Wälder ... Miitten im Indischen Ozean gelegen, bietet La Réunion eine unberührte Natur. Entdecken Sie in der Audio-Ausgabe 1/24 von Écoute dieses französische Übersee-Gebiet, das jedes Jahr etwa 500 000 Touristen anzieht. Außerdem eine Bestandsaufnahme der Olympischen Spiele In Paris, nur wenige Monate vor ihrer Eröffnung. In der Grammatik lernen Sie, wie Sie Wünsche auf Französisch äußern. Französisch lernen mit "Écoute Audio"! Inhalt: Audio-Downloads inkl. Booklet mit den gesprochenen Texten zum Nachlesen und Glossar (PDF-Format), Sprache: Französich.
Écoute Audio - La Réunion. 1/2024
- Französisch lernen Audio - Réunion
- Narrated by: div.
- Series: Écoute Audio 2024, Book 1
- Length: 53 mins
- Release date: 12-15-23
- Language: German
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Sale price: $7.00 or 1 credit
Adesso Audio - Pesaro, Capitale italiana della cultura 2024. 5/24
- Italienisch lernen Audio - Pesaro, Italiens Kulturhauptstadt 2024
- Narrated by: div.
- Length: 55 mins
- Unabridged
ADESSO Audio 05/2024 VIAGGI / REISE: PESARO (Marken). Eine Stadt für Opernliebhaber, Strandurlauber, Feinschmecker und Italien-Flaneure: Pesaro sprüht vor Lebensfreude! Der Badeort an der Adria ist in diesem Jahr italienische Kulturhauptstadt und zeigt sich ganz im Sinne seines berühmtesten Sohnes, des Komponisten Gioachino Rossini. L'ANGOLO DELLA PRONUNCIA: Die korrekte Aussprache von geografischen Namen. VOCI D'ITALIA: Wir haben die Einwohner einiger italienischer Städte gefragt, ob sie Opern mögen und welches ihre Lieblingsarien sind.
Adesso Audio - Pesaro, Capitale italiana della cultura 2024. 5/24
- Italienisch lernen Audio - Pesaro, Italiens Kulturhauptstadt 2024
- Narrated by: div.
- Series: Adesso Audio 2024, Book 5
- Length: 55 mins
- Release date: 04-10-24
- Language: German
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Sale price: $7.00 or 1 credit
Business Spotlight Audio – How to prepare a powerful presentation. 2/24
- Business Englisch lernen Audio – Eine kraftvolle Präsentation
- Narrated by: div.
- Length: 58 mins
- Unabridged
In Business Spotlight Audio 2/2024 für Februar hören Sie Artikel und Interviews aus der Welt des Business-Englisch. Mit Übungen verbessern Sie Ihre sprachlichen und kommunikativen Kompetenzen. In „Business Skills“ erfahren Sie, wie Sie eine starke Präsentation vorbereiten, und in „Career Coach“, wie sich unternehmerische Werte auf die Kultur eines Teams auswirken. Sie hören von einer innovativen Klimaanlage, die effizienter als bisherige Geräte und ohne schädliche Kühlmittel funktioniert, und Meinungen dazu, ob der Einsatz künstlicher Intelligenz zu einem stärkeren Einkommensgefälle führt.
Business Spotlight Audio – How to prepare a powerful presentation. 2/24
- Business Englisch lernen Audio – Eine kraftvolle Präsentation
- Narrated by: div.
- Series: Business Spotlight Audio 2024, Book 2
- Length: 58 mins
- Release date: 01-19-24
- Language: German
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Sale price: $7.00 or 1 credit
Deutsch perfekt Audio 11/23 – Wenn die Straße zur Arena wird
- Deutsch lernen Audio – Kampf um das Liebste
- Narrated by: Ariane Payer, Peter Veit, Fabian von Klitzing, and others
- Length: 1 hr and 2 mins
- Unabridged
Die Deutschen und das Auto. Das ist wirklich eine komische Liebe. So stark, da kann die Straße schon mal zur Arena werden. Und in der streiten sie sich dann um das Liebste: ihr Auto. Zum Schulstart ist sie ein Muss: Die volle Tüte mit Süßem und Geschenken, für das Kinderzimmer und die ersten Wochen in der Schule. So ist es in Deutschland Tradition. Und die ersten industriell hergestellten Schultüten kommen aus dem Osten des Landes. Iris Milde war in der Fabrik, wo das alles begonnen hat.
Deutsch perfekt Audio 11/23 – Wenn die Straße zur Arena wird
- Deutsch lernen Audio – Kampf um das Liebste
- Narrated by: Ariane Payer, Peter Veit, Fabian von Klitzing, Dascha von Waberer
- Series: Deutsch lernen Audio 2023, Book 11
- Length: 1 hr and 2 mins
- Release date: 01-11-24
- Language: German
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Sale price: $13.00 or 1 credit
Écoute Audio 7/24 – Le Sud - La Corse
- Französisch lernen Audio – Korsika
- Narrated by: Jean-Paul Dumas-Grillet
- Length: 55 mins
- Unabridged
Es gibt eine Stimme, die ganz Frankreich kennt, und es ist nicht die von Macron. Sondern die von Simone, denn sie spricht seit über 40 Jahren die Ansagen in den Zügen der SNCF. Macht das immer noch Spaß ? Wie fühlt man sich dabei, wenn man seine eigene Stimme im Zug hört ? Das verrät sie hier. Und noch ein typisch französisches Phänomen wird erklärt : die colonies de vacances. Eine Frranzösin verrät, warum es da anfangs un dam Ende Tränen gab, und warum sie diese Erfahrung auf keinen Fall missen möchte.
Écoute Audio 7/24 – Le Sud - La Corse
- Französisch lernen Audio – Korsika
- Narrated by: Jean-Paul Dumas-Grillet
- Series: Écoute Audio 2024, Book 7
- Length: 55 mins
- Release date: 05-24-24
- Language: German
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Sale price: $7.00 or 1 credit
Ecos Audio 7/24 – Asturias única
- Spanisch lernen Audio – Asturien – Spaniens wilder Norden
- Narrated by: Ignacio Rodriguez
- Length: 59 mins
- Unabridged
Asturien – Spaniens wilder Norden Die Region im Norden an der kantabrischen Küste bietet wunderbare Strände, das Gebirge der Picos de Europa und mit Oviedo und Gijón sehr interessante Städte – und das alles auf kleiner Fläche.
Ecos Audio 7/24 – Asturias única
- Spanisch lernen Audio – Asturien – Spaniens wilder Norden
- Narrated by: Ignacio Rodriguez
- Series: Ecos Audio 2024, Book 7
- Length: 59 mins
- Release date: 05-24-24
- Language: German
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Sale price: $7.00 or 1 credit
Französisch lernen Audio – Der Luberon
- Écoute Audio 07/23 – Le Luberon
- Narrated by: Jean-Yves de Groote, Jean-Paul Dumas-Grillet, Fanny Grandclément, and others
- Length: 54 mins
- Unabridged
Verreisen Sie mit uns in den Süden Frankreichs! In dieser Audio-Ausgabe 07/23 entdecken wir den Luberon, eine Bergregion, die in der Provence liegt. Lassen Sie sich von hoch gelegenen Dörfern, Lavendelfeldern und Olivenhainen verzaubern und hören Sie dabei dem Lied der Zikaden zu. In der Grammatik behandeln wir die Bedingungssätze. Außerdem schauen wir uns in der Rubrik „Sprache“ an, wie die Franzosen im Süden des Landes reden: ihren Akzent sowie einige typische Wörter, die sie im Alltag verwenden.
Französisch lernen Audio – Der Luberon
- Écoute Audio 07/23 – Le Luberon
- Narrated by: Jean-Yves de Groote, Jean-Paul Dumas-Grillet, Fanny Grandclément, Sandrine Hygoulin
- Length: 54 mins
- Release date: 05-24-23
- Language: French
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Sale price: $18.93 or 1 credit
Écoute Audio - L’amitié franco-allemande. 5/24
- Französisch lernen Audio - Die französisch-deutsche Freundschaft
- Narrated by: div.
- Length: 55 mins
- Unabridged
Haben Sie Lust, Croissants mal selbst zu backen ? Dann hören Sie Jean-Paul und Chloé zu – die beiden haben es ausprobiert und erklären Ihnen Schritt für Schritt, wie es geht ! Que ? Quoi ? Qu’est-ce que ? Gleich drei Worte, wo andere Sprachen nur eines haben…. Und was passt wo ? Die wichtigsten Regeln, damit Sie auf diesem Gebiet künftig ganz sicher sind. Außerdem : Wie steht es um die französisch-deutsche Freundschaft ? écoute-Mitarbeiter :innen aus beiden Ländern diskutieren.
Écoute Audio - L’amitié franco-allemande. 5/24
- Französisch lernen Audio - Die französisch-deutsche Freundschaft
- Narrated by: div.
- Series: Écoute Audio 2024, Book 5
- Length: 55 mins
- Release date: 03-28-24
- Language: German
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Sale price: $7.00 or 1 credit
Spotlight Audio 1/25 – Best day trips from London
- Englisch lernen Audio – Ausgabe 1 – Die besten Tagesausflüge rund um London
- Narrated by: div.
- Length: 1 hr
- Unabridged
In der Ausgabe 1/2025 von Spotlight Audio können Sie unbeschwerte und genüssliche Tagesausflüge von London aus entdecken. Sie erfahren, wie es ist, in einem der berühmtesten Gebäude Manhattans aufzuwachsen, und lernen einen Darsteller von Heinrich VIII. kennen, der eine Leidenschaft aus seiner Kindheit in eine einzigartige Karriere verwandelt hat.
Spotlight Audio 1/25 – Best day trips from London
- Englisch lernen Audio – Ausgabe 1 – Die besten Tagesausflüge rund um London
- Narrated by: div.
- Series: Spotlight Audio 2025
- Length: 1 hr
- Release date: 12-13-24
- Language: German
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Sale price: $13.00 or 1 credit
Business Spotlight Audio 1/25 - How to talk about rebranding
- Business Englisch lernen Audio – Ausgabe 1 – Brand and rebranding
- Narrated by: div.
- Length: 53 mins
- Unabridged
In Business Spotlight Audio 1/2025 hören Sie Artikel, Dialoge und Interviews aus der Welt des Business-Englisch. Mit Übungen verbessern Sie Ihre sprachlichen und kommunikativen Kompetenzen. Zudem erfahren Sie Interessantes über Entwicklungen in Politik, Kultur, Gesellschaft und der Geschäftswelt. In dieser Ausgabe geht es unter anderem um einen spannenden Ansatz zur Müllreduzierung, wie man souverän Verhandlungen führt und was für oder gegen eine Wehrpflicht spricht. Die Texte werden von Muttersprachlern vorgetragen.
Business Spotlight Audio 1/25 - How to talk about rebranding
- Business Englisch lernen Audio – Ausgabe 1 – Brand and rebranding
- Narrated by: div.
- Series: Business Spotlight Audio 2025
- Length: 53 mins
- Release date: 12-13-24
- Language: German
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Sale price: $7.00 or 1 credit
Écoute Audio 11/23 – Le Parlement européen
- Französisch lernen Audio – Das Europäische Parlament
- Narrated by: Jean-Yves de Groote, Jean-Paul Dumas-Grillet, Fanny Grandclement
- Length: 53 mins
- Unabridged
In dieser Audio-Ausgabe von Écoute lernen Sie die wahren und die falschen Klischees über das Europäische Parlament kennen. Weiterhin geht es um die Frage, warum es so viele Flughäfen in Frankreich gibt: dreimal mehr als in Deutschland. Schließlich noch etwas Grammatik mit den Zeiten der Zukunft: dem Futur proche und dem Futur simple.
Écoute Audio 11/23 – Le Parlement européen
- Französisch lernen Audio – Das Europäische Parlament
- Narrated by: Jean-Yves de Groote, Jean-Paul Dumas-Grillet, Fanny Grandclement
- Series: Écoute Audio 2023, Book 11
- Length: 53 mins
- Release date: 01-11-24
- Language: German
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Sale price: $7.00 or 1 credit
Spotlight Audio 7/24 – Vancouver Island
- Englisch lernen Audio – Erkunden Sie den Juan de Fuca Trail auf einer Wandertour auf Vancouver Island
- Narrated by: Owen Connor
- Length: 58 mins
- Unabridged
In dieser Ausgabe 07/2024 von Spotlight Audio: Erkunden Sie den Juan de Fuca Trail auf einer Wandertour auf Vancouver Island. Erleben Sie mit uns, wie der Spotlight-Podcast, English please! entsteht. Erfahren Sie etwas über das Leben der deutschen Fußballlegende Bert Trautmann, der mit seiner Karriere in England Berühmtheit erlangte.
Spotlight Audio 7/24 – Vancouver Island
- Englisch lernen Audio – Erkunden Sie den Juan de Fuca Trail auf einer Wandertour auf Vancouver Island
- Narrated by: Owen Connor
- Series: Spotlight Audio 2024, Book 7
- Length: 58 mins
- Release date: 05-24-24
- Language: German
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Sale price: $7.00 or 1 credit
ECOS audio Pirineo aragonés – Ocho rutas a pie y en bicicleta. 11/24
- Spanisch lernen Audio – Pyrenäen
- Narrated by: div.
- Length: 1 hr and 2 mins
- Unabridged
Willkommen im Hochgebirge der Pyrenäen im Norden Aragoniens: Verschneite Berggipfel, Wildwasserschluchten, mittelalterliche Dörfer, die dank eines sanften Tourismus wieder zu neuem Leben erwachen. Acht Routen zum Radfahren und Wandern. Im Sprachteil, wie immer auf drei Schwierigkeitsstufen, geht ECOS Spanisch lernen Audio in die Wildnis: Sie können Ihren Wortschatz zur Wildtierwelt erweitern, lernen Vokabular zu Extremsportarten wie Rafting oder Canyoning sowie zur Ausrüstung, die für längere und anstrengende Touren notwendig ist.
ECOS audio Pirineo aragonés – Ocho rutas a pie y en bicicleta. 11/24
- Spanisch lernen Audio – Pyrenäen
- Narrated by: div.
- Series: Ecos Audio 2024, Book 11
- Length: 1 hr and 2 mins
- Release date: 09-13-24
- Language: German
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Sale price: $13.00 or 1 credit
Adesso Audio 9/24 - Viaggi: Toscana
- Italienisch lernen Audio – Toskana - Die Maremma
- Narrated by: Mario Montemarano
- Length: 56 mins
- Unabridged
ADESSO Audio 09/2024 VIAGGI / REISE: TOSKANA. „Die Maremma“. Aus dem einst unbewohnbaren Sumpfgebiet, in dem Caravaggio sein Leben ließ, hat sich die Maremma zu einem unberührten und authentischen Paradies entwickelt. Wilde Schönheit und alte Traditionen: ein Mix, der Künstler wie Calvino inspiriert hat und noch heute ruhesuchende Sonnenanbeter sowie neugierige Reisende anlockt. L'ANGOLO DELLA PRONUNCIA: Die Aussprache von „GL“ VOCI D'ITALIA: Sommer, Zeit für Eiscreme. Ja, natürlich, aber wo kann man es kaufen? Wir haben die Einwohner einiger italienischer Städte gefragt.
Adesso Audio 9/24 - Viaggi: Toscana
- Italienisch lernen Audio – Toskana - Die Maremma
- Narrated by: Mario Montemarano
- Series: Adesso Audio 2024, Book 9
- Length: 56 mins
- Release date: 07-24-24
- Language: German
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Sale price: $18.93 or 1 credit
Spotlight Audio – Unternehmen Sie eine persönliche Tour durch das Broadway-Theaterviertel in New York City. 9/24
- Englisch lernen Audio – New York und der Broadway
- Narrated by: Owen Connor
- Length: 1 hr and 1 min
- Unabridged
In dieser Ausgabe 9/24 von Spotlight Audio: Unternehmen Sie eine persönliche Tour durch das Broadway-Theaterviertel in New York City. Treffen Sie eine Hochzeitsplanerin aus Reno, Nevada, die über Herausforderungen und Erfolge bei der Planung der perfekten Hochzeit berichtet. Lernen und üben Sie die Verwendung von Konditionalsätzen im Arbeitsleben.
Spotlight Audio – Unternehmen Sie eine persönliche Tour durch das Broadway-Theaterviertel in New York City. 9/24
- Englisch lernen Audio – New York und der Broadway
- Narrated by: Owen Connor
- Series: Spotlight Audio 2024, Book 8
- Length: 1 hr and 1 min
- Release date: 07-24-24
- Language: German
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Onyx Storm
- Empyrean, Book 3
- By: Rebecca Yarros
- Narrated by: Jasmin Walker, Justis Bolding, Teddy Hamilton, and others
- Length: 23 hrs and 52 mins
- Unabridged
After nearly eighteen months at Basgiath War College, Violet Sorrengail knows there’s no more time for lessons. No more time for uncertainty. Because the battle has truly begun, and with enemies closing in from outside their walls and within their ranks, it’s impossible to know who to trust. Now Violet must journey beyond the failing Aretian wards to seek allies from unfamiliar lands to stand with Navarre. The trip will test every bit of her wit, luck, and strength, but she will do anything to save what she loves—her dragons, her family, her home, and him.
A voiceless Xaden.
- By FrostFire on 01-21-25
By: Rebecca Yarros
The Let Them Theory
- A Life-Changing Tool That Millions of People Can’t Stop Talking About
- By: Mel Robbins
- Narrated by: Mel Robbins
- Length: 10 hrs and 38 mins
- Unabridged
In her latest groundbreaking book, The Let Them Theory, Mel Robbins—New York Times bestselling author and one of the world's most respected experts on motivation, confidence, and mindset—teaches you how to stop wasting energy on what you can't control and start focusing on what truly matters: YOU. Your happiness. Your goals. Your life.
“…Grant me the serenity…”
- By Rachel Cornell on 12-25-24
By: Mel Robbins
Fourth Wing
- Empyrean, Book 1
- By: Rebecca Yarros
- Narrated by: Rebecca Soler, Teddy Hamilton
- Length: 21 hrs and 22 mins
- Unabridged
Twenty-year-old Violet Sorrengail was supposed to enter the Scribe Quadrant, living a quiet life among books and history. Now, the commanding general—also known as her tough-as-talons mother—has ordered Violet to join the hundreds of candidates striving to become the elite of Navarre: dragon riders. But when you’re smaller than everyone else and your body is brittle, death is only a heartbeat away...because dragons don’t bond to “fragile” humans. They incinerate them.
Erotica with Dragons
- By Trev on 05-13-23
By: Rebecca Yarros
Iron Flame
- Empyrean, Book 2
- By: Rebecca Yarros
- Narrated by: Rebecca Soler, Teddy Hamilton
- Length: 28 hrs and 16 mins
- Unabridged
Everyone expected Violet Sorrengail to die during her first year at Basgiath War College-Violet included. But Threshing was only the first impossible test meant to weed out the weak-willed, the unworthy, and the unlucky. Now the real training begins, and Violet’s already wondering how she’ll get through. It’s not just that it’s grueling and maliciously brutal, or even that it’s designed to stretch the riders’ capacity for pain beyond endurance. It’s the new vice commandant, who’s made it his personal mission to teach Violet exactly how powerless she is–unless she betrays the man she loves.
I wish I could throw this book off a cliff.
- By Rebekah L Johnson on 11-10-23
By: Rebecca Yarros
Onyx Storm
- Empyrean, Book 3
- By: Rebecca Yarros
- Narrated by: Jasmin Walker, Justis Bolding, Teddy Hamilton, and others
- Length: 23 hrs and 52 mins
- Unabridged
After nearly eighteen months at Basgiath War College, Violet Sorrengail knows there’s no more time for lessons. No more time for uncertainty. Because the battle has truly begun, and with enemies closing in from outside their walls and within their ranks, it’s impossible to know who to trust. Now Violet must journey beyond the failing Aretian wards to seek allies from unfamiliar lands to stand with Navarre. The trip will test every bit of her wit, luck, and strength, but she will do anything to save what she loves—her dragons, her family, her home, and him.
A voiceless Xaden.
- By FrostFire on 01-21-25
By: Rebecca Yarros
The Let Them Theory
- A Life-Changing Tool That Millions of People Can’t Stop Talking About
- By: Mel Robbins
- Narrated by: Mel Robbins
- Length: 10 hrs and 38 mins
- Unabridged
In her latest groundbreaking book, The Let Them Theory, Mel Robbins—New York Times bestselling author and one of the world's most respected experts on motivation, confidence, and mindset—teaches you how to stop wasting energy on what you can't control and start focusing on what truly matters: YOU. Your happiness. Your goals. Your life.
“…Grant me the serenity…”
- By Rachel Cornell on 12-25-24
By: Mel Robbins
Fourth Wing
- Empyrean, Book 1
- By: Rebecca Yarros
- Narrated by: Rebecca Soler, Teddy Hamilton
- Length: 21 hrs and 22 mins
- Unabridged
Twenty-year-old Violet Sorrengail was supposed to enter the Scribe Quadrant, living a quiet life among books and history. Now, the commanding general—also known as her tough-as-talons mother—has ordered Violet to join the hundreds of candidates striving to become the elite of Navarre: dragon riders. But when you’re smaller than everyone else and your body is brittle, death is only a heartbeat away...because dragons don’t bond to “fragile” humans. They incinerate them.
Erotica with Dragons
- By Trev on 05-13-23
By: Rebecca Yarros
Iron Flame
- Empyrean, Book 2
- By: Rebecca Yarros
- Narrated by: Rebecca Soler, Teddy Hamilton
- Length: 28 hrs and 16 mins
- Unabridged
Everyone expected Violet Sorrengail to die during her first year at Basgiath War College-Violet included. But Threshing was only the first impossible test meant to weed out the weak-willed, the unworthy, and the unlucky. Now the real training begins, and Violet’s already wondering how she’ll get through. It’s not just that it’s grueling and maliciously brutal, or even that it’s designed to stretch the riders’ capacity for pain beyond endurance. It’s the new vice commandant, who’s made it his personal mission to teach Violet exactly how powerless she is–unless she betrays the man she loves.
I wish I could throw this book off a cliff.
- By Rebekah L Johnson on 11-10-23
By: Rebecca Yarros
Fourth Wing (Part 1 of 2) (Dramatized Adaptation)
- The Empyrean, Book 1
- By: Rebecca Yarros
- Narrated by: full cast, Scott McCormick, Troy Allan, and others
- Length: 7 hrs and 52 mins
- Original Recording
Twenty-year-old Violet Sorrengail was supposed to enter the Scribe Quadrant, living a quiet life among books and history. Now, the commanding general—also known as her tough-as-talons mother—has ordered Violet to join the hundreds of candidates striving to become the elite of Navarre: dragon riders. But when you’re smaller than everyone else and your body is brittle, death is only a heartbeat away...because dragons don’t bond to “fragile” humans. They incinerate them. With fewer dragons willing to bond than cadets, most would kill Violet to better their own chances of success.
The voices are so OFF
- By Amazon Customer on 12-27-23
By: Rebecca Yarros
Fourth Wing (Part 2 of 2) (Dramatized Adaptation)
- The Empyrean, Book 1
- By: Rebecca Yarros
- Narrated by: full cast, Robb Moreira, Megan Poppy, and others
- Length: 9 hrs and 22 mins
- Original Recording
Twenty-year-old Violet Sorrengail was supposed to enter the Scribe Quadrant, living a quiet life among books and history. Now, the commanding general—also known as her tough-as-talons mother—has ordered Violet to join the hundreds of candidates striving to become the elite of Navarre: dragon riders. But when you’re smaller than everyone else and your body is brittle, death is only a heartbeat away...because dragons don’t bond to “fragile” humans. They incinerate them.
- By ➷➹➸❥HFB🔹🔹🔹 on 03-02-24
By: Rebecca Yarros
Brooke Shields Is Not Allowed to Get Old
- Thoughts on Aging as a Woman
- By: Brooke Shields, Rachel Bertsche - contributor
- Narrated by: Brooke Shields
- Length: 9 hrs and 1 min
- Unabridged
Brooke Shields has spent a lifetime in the public eye. Growing up as a child actor and model, her every feature was scrutinized, her every decision judged. Today Brooke faces a different kind of scrutiny: that of being a “woman of a certain age.” And yet, for Brooke, the passage of time has brought freedom. At fifty-nine, she feels more comfortable in her skin, more empowered and confident than she did decades ago in those famous Calvin Kleins. Now, in Brooke Shields Is Not Allowed to Get Old, she’s changing the narrative about women and aging.
I was torn on this one
- By Catamaran on 01-18-25
By: Brooke Shields, and others
Atomic Habits
- An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
- By: James Clear
- Narrated by: James Clear
- Length: 5 hrs and 35 mins
- Unabridged
No matter your goals, Atomic Habits offers a proven framework for improving - every day. James Clear, one of the world's leading experts on habit formation, reveals practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results. If you're having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn't you. The problem is your system. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change.
Author went overboard hawking his site
- By CHughes on 06-25-19
By: James Clear
Iron Flame (Part 2 of 2) (Dramatized Adaptation)
- The Empyrean, Book 2
- By: Rebecca Yarros
- Narrated by: Laura C. Harris, Khaya Fraites, Taylor Coan, and others
- Length: 9 hrs and 27 mins
- Original Recording
Everyone expected Violet Sorrengail to die during her first year at Basgiath War College – Violet included. But Threshing was only the first impossible test meant to weed out the weak-willed, the unworthy, and the unlucky. Now the real training begins, and Violet’s already wondering how she’ll get through. It’s not just that it’s grueling and maliciously brutal, or even that it’s designed to stretch the riders’ capacity for pain beyond endurance. It’s the new vice commandant, who’s made it his personal mission to teach Violet exactly how powerless she is – unless she betrays the man she loves.
- By Madelynn on 07-14-24
By: Rebecca Yarros
Iron Flame (Part 1 of 2) (Dramatized Adaptation)
- The Empyrean, Book 2
- By: Rebecca Yarros
- Narrated by: full cast, Gabriel Michael, Torian Brackett, and others
- Length: 11 hrs and 38 mins
- Original Recording
Everyone expected Violet Sorrengail to die during her first year at Basgiath War College–Violet included. But Threshing was only the first impossible test meant to weed out the weak-willed, the unworthy, and the unlucky. Now the real training begins, and Violet’s already wondering how she’ll get through. It’s not just that it’s grueling and maliciously brutal, or even that it’s designed to stretch the riders’ capacity for pain beyond endurance. It’s the new vice commandant, who’s made it his personal mission to teach Violet exactly how powerless she is–unless she betrays the man she loves.
Why Vy For Something More?
- By Rich B. on 05-22-24
By: Rebecca Yarros
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Book 1
- By: J.K. Rowling
- Narrated by: Jim Dale
- Length: 8 hrs and 18 mins
- Unabridged
Harry Potter has never even heard of Hogwarts when the letters start dropping on the doormat at number four, Privet Drive. Addressed in green ink on yellowish parchment with a purple seal, they are swiftly confiscated by his grisly aunt and uncle. Then, on Harry's eleventh birthday, a great beetle-eyed giant of a man called Rubeus Hagrid bursts in with some astonishing news: Harry Potter is a wizard, and he has a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. An incredible adventure is about to begin!
A great reading of the wrong book
- By P on 11-24-15
By: J.K. Rowling
The Wedding People
- A Novel
- By: Alison Espach
- Narrated by: Helen Laser
- Length: 11 hrs and 37 mins
- Unabridged
It’s a beautiful day in Newport, Rhode Island, when Phoebe Stone arrives at the grand Cornwall Inn wearing a green dress and gold heels, not a bag in sight, alone. She's immediately mistaken by everyone in the lobby for one of the wedding people, but she’s actually the only guest at the Cornwall who isn’t here for the big event. Phoebe is here because she’s dreamed of coming for years—she hoped to shuck oysters and take sunset sails with her husband, only now she’s here without him, at rock bottom, and determined to have one last decadent splurge on herself.
What a beautiful book
- By Brooke Baker on 08-15-24
By: Alison Espach
The Housemaid
- By: Freida McFadden
- Narrated by: Lauryn Allman
- Length: 9 hrs and 46 mins
- Unabridged
I only try on one of Nina’s pristine white dresses once. Just to see what it’s like. But she soon finds out...and by the time I realize my attic bedroom door only locks from the outside, it’s far too late. But I reassure myself: The Winchesters don’t know who I really am. They don’t know what I’m capable of....
One Big Cliche’
- By Karen Brow on 08-03-22
By: Freida McFadden
A Court of Thorns and Roses
- By: Sarah J. Maas
- Narrated by: Jennifer Ikeda
- Length: 16 hrs and 7 mins
- Unabridged
When nineteen-year-old huntress Feyre kills a wolf in the woods, a terrifying creature arrives to demand retribution. Dragged to a treacherous magical land she knows about only from legends, Feyre discovers that her captor is not truly a beast, but one of the lethal, immortal faeries who once ruled her world.
Bad ending and Immaturity
- By The Story Adict on 09-13-17
By: Sarah J. Maas
- The Fae & Alchemy Series, Book 1
- By: Callie Hart
- Narrated by: Stella Bloom, Anthony Palmini
- Length: 20 hrs and 41 mins
- Unabridged
Twenty-four-year-old Saeris Fane is good at keeping secrets. No one knows about the strange powers she possesses or the fact that she has been picking pockets and stealing from the Undying Queen's reservoirs for as long as she can remember. But a secret is like a knot. Sooner or later, it is bound to come undone. When Saeris comes face-to-face with Death himself, she inadvertently reopens a gateway between realms and is transported to a land of ice and snow. The Fae have always been the stuff of myth, of legend, of nightmares… but it turns out they're real.
Now one of my top 5 books of 2024
- By JMcClelland on 10-31-24
By: Callie Hart
- A Novel
- By: Percival Everett
- Narrated by: Dominic Hoffman
- Length: 7 hrs and 49 mins
- Unabridged
When the enslaved Jim overhears that he is about to be sold to a man in New Orleans, separated from his wife and daughter forever, he decides to hide on nearby Jackson Island until he can formulate a plan. Meanwhile, Huck Finn has faked his own death to escape his violent father, recently returned to town. As all readers of American literature know, thus begins the dangerous and transcendent journey by raft down the Mississippi River toward the elusive and too-often-unreliable promise of the Free States and beyond.
Can we ever be free
- By J. Stirling on 04-04-24
By: Percival Everett
Inner Excellence
- Train Your Mind for Extraordinary Performance and the Best Possible Life
- By: Jim Murphy
- Narrated by: Jim Murphy
- Length: 10 hrs and 29 mins
- Unabridged
Want more joy and confidence when you perform? Discover the life guide that has developed world champions, empowered athletes to become world #1, and most importantly, transformed their hearts and minds. This step-by-step audiobook from one of the world's top mental skills coaches will teach you how to train your mind like the very best.
A must read for professionals, athletes or anyone searching for purpose or trying to find their purpose or get past their fears.
- By A Rod on 07-12-24
By: Jim Murphy
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Book 2
- By: J.K. Rowling
- Narrated by: Jim Dale
- Length: 9 hrs and 2 mins
- Unabridged
Harry Potter's summer has included the worst birthday ever, doomy warnings from a house-elf called Dobby, and rescue from the Dursleys by his friend Ron Weasley in a magical flying car! Back at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for his second year, Harry hears strange whispers echo through empty corridors - and then the attacks start. Students are found as though turned to stone... Dobby's sinister predictions seem to be coming true.
Jim Dale is wonderful!
- By ladigolfer on 12-31-15
By: J.K. Rowling
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
- A Hunger Games Novel
- By: Suzanne Collins
- Narrated by: Santino Fontana
- Length: 16 hrs and 16 mins
- Unabridged
It is the morning of the reaping that will kick off the 10th annual Hunger Games. In the Capitol, 18-year-old Coriolanus Snow is preparing for his one shot at glory as a mentor in the Games. The once-mighty house of Snow has fallen on hard times, its fate hanging on the slender chance that Coriolanus will be able to out charm, outwit, and outmaneuver his fellow students to mentor the winning tribute. The odds are against him. He’s been given the humiliating assignment of mentoring the female tribute from District 12, the lowest of the low.
Bad part
- By Edgars Dumins on 05-19-20
By: Suzanne Collins
The 5 Second Rule
- Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage
- By: Mel Robbins
- Narrated by: Mel Robbins
- Length: 7 hrs and 35 mins
- Unabridged
How to enrich your life and destroy doubt in five seconds. Throughout your life, you've had parents, coaches, teachers, friends, and mentors who have pushed you to be better than your excuses and bigger than your fears. What if the secret to having the confidence and courage to enrich your life and work is simply knowing how to push yourself?
I turned it off after an hour.
- By Zac on 04-08-17
By: Mel Robbins
Beautiful Ugly
- A Novel
- By: Alice Feeney
- Narrated by: Richard Armitage, Tuppence Middleton
- Length: 9 hrs and 19 mins
- Unabridged
Author Grady Green is having the worst best day of his life. Grady calls his wife to share some exciting news as she is driving home. He hears Abby slam on the brakes, get out of the car, then nothing. When he eventually finds her car by the cliff edge the headlights are on, the driver door is open, her phone is still there. . . but his wife has disappeared. A year later, Grady is still overcome with grief and desperate to know what happened to Abby. He can’t sleep, and he can’t write, so he travels to a tiny Scottish island to try to get his life back on track. Then he sees the impossible.
- By Amazon Customer on 01-19-25
By: Alice Feeney
The House of My Mother
- A Daughter's Quest for Freedom
- By: Shari Franke
- Narrated by: Shari Franke
- Length: 7 hrs and 9 mins
- Unabridged
Shari Franke’s childhood was a constant battle for survival. Her mother, Ruby Franke, enforced a severe moral code while maintaining a façade of a picture-perfect family for their wildly popular YouTube channel 8 Passengers, which documented the day-to-day life of raising six children for a staggering 2.5 million subscribers. But a darker truth lurked beneath the surface—Ruby’s wholesome online persona masked a more tyrannical parenting style than anyone could have imagined.
A remarkable young woman!
- By Amazon Customer on 01-08-25
By: Shari Franke
The Women
- A Novel
- By: Kristin Hannah
- Narrated by: Julia Whelan, Kristin Hannah
- Length: 14 hrs and 57 mins
- Unabridged
Women can be heroes. When twenty-year-old nursing student Frances “Frankie” McGrath hears these words, it is a revelation. Raised in the sun-drenched, idyllic world of Southern California and sheltered by her conservative parents, she has always prided herself on doing the right thing. But in 1965, the world is changing, and she suddenly dares to imagine a different future for herself. When her brother ships out to serve in Vietnam, she joins the Army Nurse Corps and follows his path.
Great story
- By AJ Frithiof on 02-08-24
By: Kristin Hannah
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Book 3
- By: J.K. Rowling
- Narrated by: Jim Dale
- Length: 11 hrs and 49 mins
- Unabridged
When the Knight Bus crashes through the darkness and screeches to a halt in front of him, it's the start of another far from ordinary year at Hogwarts for Harry Potter. Sirius Black, escaped mass-murderer and follower of Lord Voldemort, is on the run - and they say he is coming after Harry. In his first ever Divination class, Professor Trelawney sees an omen of death in Harry's tea leaves... But perhaps most terrifying of all are the Dementors patrolling the school grounds, with their soul-sucking kiss...
Jim Dale at his best
- By rottndachs on 01-12-16
By: J.K. Rowling
The Way of Kings
- The Stormlight Archive, Book 1
- By: Brandon Sanderson
- Narrated by: Kate Reading, Michael Kramer
- Length: 45 hrs and 30 mins
- Unabridged
Roshar is a world of stone and storms. Uncanny tempests of incredible power sweep across the rocky terrain so frequently that they have shaped ecology and civilization alike. Animals hide in shells, trees pull in branches, and grass retracts into the soilless ground. Cities are built only where the topography offers shelter. It has been centuries since the fall of the 10 consecrated orders known as the Knights Radiant, but their Shardblades and Shardplate remain: mystical swords and suits of armor.
It doesn't get any better than this!
- By Robert on 10-26-12
Project Hail Mary
- By: Andy Weir
- Narrated by: Ray Porter
- Length: 16 hrs and 10 mins
- Unabridged
Ryland Grace is the sole survivor on a desperate, last-chance mission - and if he fails, humanity and the Earth itself will perish. Except that right now, he doesn't know that. He can't even remember his own name, let alone the nature of his assignment or how to complete it. All he knows is that he's been asleep for a very, very long time. And he's just been awakened to find himself millions of miles from home, with nothing but two corpses for company.
- By Davidgonzalezsr on 05-04-21
By: Andy Weir
The God of the Woods
- A Novel
- By: Liz Moore
- Narrated by: Saskia Maarleveld
- Length: 14 hrs and 35 mins
- Unabridged
Early morning, August 1975: a camp counselor discovers an empty bunk. Its occupant, Barbara Van Laar, has gone missing. Barbara isn’t just any thirteen-year-old: she’s the daughter of the family that owns the summer camp and employs most of the region’s residents. And this isn’t the first time a Van Laar child has disappeared. Barbara’s older brother similarly vanished fourteen years ago, never to be found.
Tangled Mystery Overloaded with Characters and Confusing Time Jumps
- By unknown on 08-09-24
By: Liz Moore
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
- A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life
- By: Mark Manson
- Narrated by: Roger Wayne
- Length: 5 hrs and 17 mins
- Unabridged
For decades we've been told that positive thinking is the key to a happy, rich life. "F*ck positivity," Mark Manson says. "Let's be honest, shit is f*cked, and we have to live with it." In his wildly popular Internet blog, Manson doesn't sugarcoat or equivocate. He tells it like it is - a dose of raw, refreshing, honest truth that is sorely lacking today. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck is his antidote to the coddling, let's-all-feel-good mind-set that has infected modern society and spoiled a generation, rewarding them with gold medals just for showing up.
A book for 20-somethings, but not me
- By Bonny on 09-22-16
By: Mark Manson