FluentFiction - Slovak

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Marek's Winter Quest: Patience Unlocks Style
    Jan 8 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Marek's Winter Quest: Patience Unlocks Style Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-08-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Marek stál pri okne v rodinnom dome v Bratislave.En: Marek stood by the window in the family house in Bratislava.Sk: Sledoval, ako sa snehové vločky usadili na strome pred domom.En: He watched as snowflakes settled on the tree in front of the house.Sk: Dom bol plný hluku, smiechu a vône varených dobrôt.En: The house was full of noise, laughter, and the smell of cooked delicacies.Sk: Novoročné oslavy sa ešte neskončili, všade viseli girlandy a svetielka.En: The New Year's celebrations were not over yet; garlands and lights hung everywhere.Sk: "Dnes idem na nákupy," Marek sa obrátil k svojej mame, ktorá bola zaneprázdnená kuchyňou.En: "Today I'm going shopping," Marek turned to his mother, who was busy in the kitchen.Sk: "Potrebujem novú zimnú bundu.En: "I need a new winter jacket."Sk: "Marek mal obmedzený rozpočet, ktorý mu rodičia dali.En: Marek had a limited budget given by his parents.Sk: Jeho starší súrodenci, Zuzana a Jakub, mali vždy štýlové oblečenie.En: His older siblings, Zuzana and Jakub, always had stylish clothes.Sk: Marek chcel tiež niečo podobné.En: Marek wanted something similar too.Sk: Vedel však, že jeho peniaze nestačia na drahé značky, ktoré sa im tak páčili.En: However, he knew that his money was not enough for the expensive brands they liked so much.Sk: Skočil do topánok a pevne zatiahol šál okolo krku.En: He jumped into his shoes and tightly wrapped a scarf around his neck.Sk: "Vráť sa pred večerou," zavolala na neho mama, keď Marek vyrazil do chladného dňa.En: "Come back before dinner," his mother called after him as Marek headed out into the cold day.Sk: V meste bolo rušno.En: The city was bustling.Sk: Ľudia sa prechádzali, z obchodov znela hudba a ulice boli pokryté jemnou vrstvou snehu.En: People were walking around, music played from shops, and the streets were covered with a thin layer of snow.Sk: Marek navštívil niekoľko obchodov.En: Marek visited several stores.Sk: V každom okne si prezeral ponuku búnd a hľadal niečo, čo by sa mu páčilo a zároveň bolo dostupné.En: At each window, he looked over the selection of jackets, searching for something he would like and that was affordable.Sk: Nakoniec sa zastavil v obchode na rohu.En: Finally, he stopped at a store on the corner.Sk: „Výpredaj,“ hlásil veľký červený nápis.En: "Sale," announced a large red sign.Sk: Marek ho sledoval, ako keby to bolo znamenie.En: Marek watched it as if it was a sign meant for him.Sk: Prešiel sa pomaly medzi regálmi až.En: He walked slowly between the racks until...Sk: Uzrel ju!En: There it was!Sk: Ako keby bola jeho dokonalá bunda presne na neho čakala.En: As if his perfect jacket was waiting just for him.Sk: Štýlová, hrejivá a vo farbe, ktorú miloval.En: Stylish, warm, and in a color he loved.Sk: V jantárovej: farba slnka na zimnej oblohe.En: In amber: the color of the sun on a winter sky.Sk: Jeho srdce búšilo radosťou, keď si všimol ďalšieho chlapca, ktorý sa k nej blížil.En: His heart pounded with joy when he noticed another boy approaching it.Sk: Marek zrýchlil krok, takmer bežal.En: Marek quickened his pace, almost running.Sk: Ruka sa natiahla, a v poslednej chvíli uchopil bundu tesne predtým, ako to urobil ten druhý.En: His hand reached out, and at the last moment, he grabbed the jacket just before the other boy could.Sk: „Máš šťastie,“ usmial sa predavač pri pokladni, keď Marek platil nadšený kúpou.En: "You're lucky," smiled the sales clerk at the checkout when Marek paid, thrilled with his purchase.Sk: Bunda bola zľavnená o polovicu, čím sa zmestila do jeho rozpočtu.En: The jacket was half-priced, fitting within his budget.Sk: Marek sa vrátil domov s úsmevom.En: Marek returned home with a smile.Sk: Pochopil, že niekedy je treba trpezlivosti a rozvaha.En: He understood that sometimes patience and deliberation are needed.Sk: Bunda bola jeho a on bol teraz trochu viac sebavedomý a tiež múdrejší.En: The jacket was his, and he was now a bit more confident and also wiser.Sk: Zuzana a Jakub ho privítali s obdivom.En: Zuzana and Jakub greeted him with admiration.Sk: „Vyzeráš skvele,“ povedali jednomyseľne.En: "You look great," they said unanimously.Sk: Marek vedel, že to nebolo len preto, že mal na sebe peknú bundu.En: Marek knew it wasn't just because he was wearing a nice jacket.Sk: Bola to trpezlivosť a rozumná voľba, ktoré nakoniec priniesli jeho úspech.En: It was patience and sensible choice that ultimately brought his success.Sk: Tak sa Marek naučil hodnotu trpezlivosti a rozumného nakupovania.En: Thus, Marek learned the value of patience and smart shopping.Sk: A všetkým v dome bolo jasné, že aj Marek už vyrástol.En: And it was clear to ...
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    15 mins
  • Blanket of Memories: Healing Hearts Through Nostalgia
    Jan 8 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Blanket of Memories: Healing Hearts Through Nostalgia Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-08-08-38-19-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V dome starej mamy bolo stále teplo a útulne.En: In their grandmother's house, it was always warm and cozy.Sk: Aj keď bola zima a vonku padal sneh, dnu panovala príjemná atmosféra.En: Even though it was winter and snow was falling outside, a pleasant atmosphere prevailed inside.Sk: Milan a Zuzana tam prišli, aby pretriedili veci starej mamy.En: Milan and Zuzana had come to sort through their grandmother's belongings.Sk: Každý kút tejto veľkej rodinnej domácnosti ukrýval spomienky.En: Every corner of this large family home concealed memories.Sk: Milan sedel na zemi s krabicou plnou starých kníh a dokumentov.En: Milan was sitting on the floor with a box full of old books and documents.Sk: Zuzana sedela na pohovke, obklopená starými fotografiami a dekami.En: Zuzana was sitting on the couch, surrounded by old photographs and blankets.Sk: Odložila jednu deku a pozrela na brata.En: She set aside one blanket and looked at her brother.Sk: "Mali by sme túto deku nechať," povedala jemne.En: "We should keep this blanket," she said gently.Sk: "Naozaj potrebujeme toľko deky?En: "Do we really need so many blankets?Sk: Niektoré sú už staré a roztrhnuté," povzdychol si Milan.En: Some of them are already old and torn," Milan sighed.Sk: Pre neho bol úloh jasný.En: To him, the task was clear.Sk: Museli sa rýchlo pretriediť a postupovať prakticky.En: They needed to sort quickly and proceed practically.Sk: Zuzana sa zahľadela na deku.En: Zuzana gazed at the blanket.Sk: "Toto je deka, pod ktorou sme ako deti spali.En: "This is the blanket we used to sleep under as children.Sk: Má svoju hodnotu.En: It has its value."Sk: "Milan sa na chvíľu zastavil.En: Milan paused for a moment.Sk: Pomaly vstal a pozrel sa na stenu, kde viseli obrazy starej mamy.En: He slowly stood up and looked at the wall where their grandmother's pictures hung.Sk: Cítil pocit viny, že ju viac nenavštevoval.En: He felt guilty for not visiting her more often.Sk: "Viem, že je pre teba ťažké niečo vyhodiť.En: "I know it's hard for you to throw things away.Sk: Ale musíme byť rozumní," povedal ticho.En: But we have to be reasonable," he said quietly.Sk: Zuzana sklonila hlavu a vzdychla.En: Zuzana bowed her head and sighed.Sk: "Nemôžem sa vzdať spomienok.En: "I can't give up memories.Sk: Potrebujem ich.En: I need them."Sk: "Nastalo medzi nimi ticho, ktoré prerušil Milan.En: There was a silence between them that Milan broke.Sk: "Čo keby sme tie najvzácnejšie veci nechali a zvyšok dali na dobré účely?En: "What if we keep the most treasured items and give the rest to good causes?Sk: Možno by sme niečo mohli aj zrecyklovať.En: Maybe we could recycle some things too."Sk: "Zuzana kývla hlavou.En: Zuzana nodded her head.Sk: "To by bolo rozumné.En: "That would be reasonable.Sk: Ale tú deku by som naozaj chcela nechať.En: But I really would like to keep that blanket."Sk: "Milan si sadol vedľa nej a chytil jej ruku.En: Milan sat down next to her and took her hand.Sk: "Súhlasím.En: "I agree.Sk: Tú deku necháme.En: We'll keep that blanket."Sk: "Spolu si prešli všetky miestnosti.En: Together, they went through every room.Sk: Vybrali tie najcennejšie veci a ostatné roztriedili.En: They selected the most valuable items and sorted the rest.Sk: Niektoré veci putovali do darov, iné preč.En: Some things were donated, others discarded.Sk: Pomaly sa im podarilo všetko usporiadať.En: Slowly, they managed to organize everything.Sk: Dom sa pomaličky vyprázdňoval, ale bol naplnený ich spojením a spoločným úsilím.En: The house gradually emptied, but it was filled with their connection and joint effort.Sk: Keď nakoniec odišli, zimné slnko začalo zapadať, jeho teplé lúče osvetľovali dom zo všetkých strán.En: When they finally left, the winter sun began to set, its warm rays illuminating the house from all sides.Sk: Milan a Zuzana sa cítili pokojne.En: Milan and Zuzana felt at peace.Sk: Naučili sa vážiť si jeden druhého a našli spôsob, ako uctiť pamiatku svojej staršej mamy spoločne.En: They learned to appreciate each other and found a way to honor their grandmother's memory together.Sk: Ich srdcia boli plné lásky a spomienok, ktoré mali na ten veľký dom plný drahocenných chvíľ.En: Their hearts were full of love and memories of that large house filled with precious moments. Vocabulary Words:cozy: útulneprevail: panovaťbelongings: veciconcealed: ukrývalgently: jemnetorn: roztrhnutépractically: praktickygazed: zahľadelatreasured: najvzácnejšiedonate: darovaťdiscarded: vyhodiťorganize: usporiadaťtreasured: cennejšieconnection: spojenieeffort: úsilieilluminating: osvetľovaliappreciate: vážiť sihonor: uctiťwarm rays: teplé lúčefilled: ...
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    15 mins
  • Marek’s Heartfelt Lesson: A Foggy Swamp Escape
    Jan 7 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Marek’s Heartfelt Lesson: A Foggy Swamp Escape Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-07-23-34-01-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Marek, Eva a Jana sa vybrali na zimu do Foggy Swamp.En: Marek, Eva and Jana set out for the winter to Foggy Swamp.Sk: Marek bol vášnivý turista, rád chodil po prírode.En: Marek was a passionate hiker, he loved walking in nature.Sk: Dnes chcel uniknúť stresu z práce.En: Today, he wanted to escape the stress of work.Sk: Marek bol presvedčený, že jeho zdravie je perfektné.En: Marek was convinced that his health was perfect.Sk: Veril si.En: He was confident.Sk: Mlha bola hustá.En: The fog was thick.Sk: Stromy boli staré.En: The trees were old.Sk: Vzduch bol chladný a vonial borovicami.En: The air was cold and smelled of pine.Sk: Cesta bola klzká.En: The path was slippery.Sk: Eva a Jana išli vpredu.En: Eva and Jana walked ahead.Sk: Marek kráčal pomaly za nimi.En: Marek walked slowly behind them.Sk: Zrazu pocítil ostrú bolesť v hrudi.En: Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his chest.Sk: Bola silná, prišla nečakane.En: It was strong and came unexpectedly.Sk: Zastavil sa.En: He stopped.Sk: Skúsil to ignorovať.En: He tried to ignore it.Sk: Povedal si, že je len unavený.En: He told himself he was just tired.Sk: Pokračoval ďalej.En: He kept going.Sk: Eva sa otočila.En: Eva turned around.Sk: "Marek, si v poriadku?En: "Marek, are you okay?"Sk: " spýtala sa.En: she asked.Sk: "Áno, áno," odpovedal Marek, aj keď si nebol istý.En: "Yes, yes," Marek replied, even though he wasn't sure.Sk: Bolesť sa zhoršovala.En: The pain worsened.Sk: Začal sa potiť, cítil závrat.En: He started sweating and felt dizzy.Sk: Hmla sa zdala byť hustejšia.En: The fog seemed to thicken.Sk: Ešte raz sa zastavil.En: He stopped once more.Sk: Cítil, že niečo nie je v poriadku.En: He felt that something wasn't right.Sk: Marek sa snažil dýchať zhlboka.En: Marek tried to breathe deeply.Sk: Ale bolesť ho neopustila.En: But the pain did not leave him.Sk: Vedel, že musí niečo urobiť.En: He knew he had to do something.Sk: Zavolal na Evu a Janu.En: He called out to Eva and Jana.Sk: "Musím požiadať o pomoc," povedal potichu.En: "I need to ask for help," he said quietly.Sk: Jana rýchlo vytočila číslo záchrannej služby.En: Jana quickly dialed the emergency number.Sk: O chvíľu neskôr Marek počul zvuk helikoptéry.En: A moment later, Marek heard the sound of a helicopter.Sk: Evu a Janu sledovali, ako ho záchranári zdvíhajú na nosidlách.En: Eva and Jana watched as the rescuers lifted him onto a stretcher.Sk: Marek vedel, že je v bezpečí.En: Marek knew he was safe.Sk: V nemocnici sa dozvedel, že je dôležité starať sa o svoje zdravie.En: In the hospital, he learned that it is important to take care of one's health.Sk: Uvedomil si, že fyzická kondícia nie je všetko.En: He realized that physical fitness is not everything.Sk: Musí byť pokorný a pripravený priznať si zraniteľnosť.En: He must be humble and ready to admit his vulnerability.Sk: Uvedomil si, že zdravie zahŕňa i starostlivosť o srdce.En: He realized that health also includes taking care of the heart.Sk: Keď sa vrátil domov, Marek poďakoval Eve a Jane za ich pomoc.En: When he returned home, Marek thanked Eva and Jana for their help.Sk: Vedel, že jeho pohľad na zdravie sa zmenil.En: He knew that his perspective on health had changed.Sk: Rozhodol sa, že sa bude viac venovať celkovej starostlivosti o seba.En: He decided that he would pay more attention to overall self-care.Sk: Bol vďačný za lekciu, ktorú mu Foggy Swamp dal.En: He was grateful for the lesson that Foggy Swamp had given him. Vocabulary Words:passionate: vášnivýhiker: turistaescape: uniknúťstress: stresuconvinced: presvedčenýthick: hustáair: vzduchslippery: klzkásharp: ostrápain: bolesťchest: hrudiunexpectedly: nečakaneignore: ignorovaťtired: unavenýworsened: zhoršovalasweating: potiťdizzy: závratthicken: zhustnúťrealized: uvedomil sivulnerability: zraniteľnosťemergency: záchrannej službystretcher: nosidláchhospital: nemocnicifitness: kondíciahumble: pokornýgrateful: vďačnýperspective: pohľadoverall: celkovejself-care: starostlivosť o sebalesson: lekciu
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    14 mins

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