• Roadblocks, Curveballs and the Upside of Down
    Oct 14 2024

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    In this episode of My Sober Addiction, we revisit the topic of roadblocks and how they are very positive signs in your life. If you’ve kicked addiction and gotten sober and now moving on with your life, you may be seeing some roadblocks and/or curveballs coming your way but let that encourage you instead of the opposite. Why? Because it’s a very, very good sign that you’re on the right path. We know that we are spiritual beings and don’t have to skirt around issues dealing with that, so I don’t pretend that there is no adversarial force in the world that would like nothing more than to keep people down. Sadly, it gets it’s way with people more often than not, but not with you, dear loved one! You have overcame so much already by kicking addiction and living a sober life against the odds that you are now wired to handle diversity. It seems that when we are on the wrong path things just kind of flow, or continue as business as usual. However, when we are moving in the direction of the goals we choose to manifest something seems to try to get us off track. See this as a good sign that you’re on the verge of something big and lean into your efforts even more and push through.
    Much love and respect!
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    Also, please check out my YouTube channel (MattStevensMSA) and my Substack (Matt Stevens) and don’t forget to subscribe.

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    30 mins
  • Awakening to Sobriety and Purpose
    Sep 30 2024

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    In this episode of My Sober Addiction, we are looking into exactly what does the term “spiritual awakening” actually mean? Do we ever become fully awakened spiritually? And what abuse, neglect and/or trauma caused us to seek some sort of refuge, and then find it in addiction in the first place? At first, the drugs seemed to be the perfect answer to everything that ever bothered us, but then very quickly they became a new kind of hell all their own. We then found ourselves searching for answers and sobriety, religion briefly seemed the perfect cure for our addictions. Then even that let us down, but not before showing us that there is something bigger than we are, something even bigger than our addictions.Hello, Spirituality! We discovered that we do have a Higher Power and that all this abuse and trauma and addiction and all the struggling with getting sober, and probably several relapses and overdoses was all preparing us for something. It was preparing us to search outside ourselves for answers but really, the answers are all inside us and have been all along. Let’s dig a little deeper and figure out what really makes us tick and what led us to this particular spiritual path, the path of spiritual awakening…ad still, what exactly IS “awakening” anyway? What’s it got to do with drugs, addiction, sobriety, religion or anything? Let’s see if we can figure it out together.
    Please check me out on YouTube (@MattStevensMSA) and on Substack (Matt Stevens) and subscribe, it would mean a lot and I would so very much appreciate your support.
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    26 mins
  • The Money Episode, Check Your Feelings
    Sep 23 2024

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    In this episode of My Sober Addiction, we are talking about some hard truths about our attitudes towards money and success. A lot of people have fallen into the trap of believing that success is very hard to achieve or that anyone who has had success and accumulated wealth did it by some nefarious means. Whether that’s true or not is completely irrelevant. It doesn’t matter if the system is rigged and some bad people have made out like bandits or not, that has nothing to do with us!
    Addicts in recovery, as I always say, are in a particularly unique position in that we have an incredible amount of momentum going for us just by getting sober in the first place. We are in a position when we begin sober living to do something amazing with ourselves, and to then be examples of what addicts in recovery can accomplish. We just can not allow ourselves to fall into those traps of thinking that it can’t be done or that the deck is stacked against us. Those views instill resentment towards successful people and wealth which will almost guarantee that you will not succeed. How could you if you resent success and wealth? Or, if you see it as completely out of reach? I love you enough to tell you the hard truth about yourself and help to pull you up out of that muck.
    Please find my YouTube channel @MattStevensMSA and find me on Substack.com at Matt Stevens
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    24 mins
  • The Experience of Addiction While Choosing Sober Living
    Sep 9 2024

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    “You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.” - Rumi
    Simple and profound, Im afraid that far too often quotes like this are pushed to the “bargain bin” aka used in memes on social media but rarely really pondered. The Kybalion teaches us that “All are in the ALL,” but also that “The ALL is in All.” In this episode of My Sober Addiction we are looking into what is our purpose and what was the reason for our battle with addiction. There are lots of questions addicts in recovery typically ask, especially when they’re new to sobriety. Was there even a reason for it? Are we supposed to have brought back with us some sort of experience that we can use while moving forward in our sober lives? Why are some people more prone to addiction and others aren’t at all? There must be a reason. Well, there is, and it’s totally related to our experience in this lifetime and what we can learn from it.
    Please subscribe to my YouTube channel and my Substack page, and leave a rating and review wherever you listen to audio podcasts.
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    26 mins
  • If Sobriety Is A State Then Addiction Is Stasis
    Aug 28 2024

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    In this episode of My Sober Addiction we sort of get back to the business of talking about addiction and recovery and sober living and all that. Sort of. I’m making the point that we are not going backwards and we aren’t going to sit still, either. We are moving forward into our lives of sobriety, away from active addiction and even from recovery. What do I mean by that? I view recovery as the first few steps toward sobriety but that ultimately sober life is the goal. Put a bow on that, it’s done! Next, we figure out what we are going to do with the rest of our lives…now that we actually HAVE lives. Let’s face it, addiction is not “living,” it’s existing at best.
    Now that we are sober (and just by virtue of that) we have an incredible amount of momentum propelling us forward. So, what’s next? Whatever it is, dream big, because with all this momentum created already we are going up, and at breakneck speeds, too. We need to utilize this opportunity we have. All that’s left is to begin being whatever it is that we choose to be. We hear all the time to “act as if,” or to “be as if,” and these statements could not be more accurate, the trick is actually doing it. Most people talk a good game but rarely do they ever really follow their own advice. That’s where we come in, we lead by our own examples, we will be the “Shining Examples” of what someone can do once they decide to simply DO it.
    Please check out my YouTube channel, MattStevensMSA, and my Substack page, Matt Stevens. I do talk a lot about addiction, recovery, sobriety and sober living on those, too. Mostly, though, I explore some of the deeper meanings of things I’ve talked about on the podcast such as manifestation, reality creation, the science of consciousness, the nature of reality, Natural Law, etc. I also delve a little deeper into topics discussed on the podcast. Please subscribe to me on those so we can grow a community of fellow seekers who just so happen to also be addicts in recovery, too.
    Much love and respect!

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    29 mins
  • An Apology and Momentum From Recovery
    Aug 26 2024

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    Since beginning the My Sober Addiction podcast I know I haven’t always been consistent. For that, I am offering an apology, and publishing this short podcast. I do have what I believe to be one of my best episodes yet recorded but still need to edit it. It has been a wild week and since recording this short episode it got even crazier. I am typing this in the surgery waiting room at the University of Kentucky Hospital. A family emergency. I’m sure I’ll be ranting about it in an upcoming episode and/or YouTube video.
    Anyway, I wanted to also remind you of the enormous amount of momentum you generated just by getting sober in the first place. From coming out of active addiction and into recovery is a huge step in the right direction, whatever that is for you. That’s what I mean when i say to “ride that wave!” Let the momentum of getting sober catapult you into the next phase of life.
    Please rate and review and also dont forget to subscribe on YouTube (MattStevensMSA) and on Substack (Matt Stevens).
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    16 mins
  • Recovery From Nihilism, Life After Addiction
    Aug 19 2024

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    In this episode of My Sober Addiction, I go a little further into the Kybalion. We begin to explore the possibility of none of this being real. As interesting of a subject as this may be, it can lead to a nihilistic attitude. I certainly am not trying to trigger anyone to relapse back into active addiction but to demonstrate how this realization can be very freeing. We’ve already broken free of addiction and now living sober lives, now we can break free from this physicality and break through to a truly spiritual life full of manifestation and mysticism and what seems at times like magic. We continue raising our vibration from when it was at all time lows of active addiction to much higher in sobriety and now onward still to amazing and inspiring lives.
    Please check me out of YouTube at MattStevensMSA and on Substack at Matt Stevens. Like, Share and Subscribe.
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    28 mins
  • Polarity In Real Life, Active Addiction and Sober Living
    Aug 5 2024

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    In the last episode I was talking about how so many addicts, whether in active addiction or living sober in recovery, always seem to look outside themselves for an inspiring story. They never seem to realize their own story is as amazing as the ones giving leads at your local AA or NA meeting. I am not at all suggesting we shouldn’t listen to those people but we also shouldn’t sell ourselves short either.

    In this episode, I go totally off the cuff with no outline. I am more than anything just reacting to a video I saw on YouTube Shorts and how what people in the comments were trash talking our life here and now in this present reality that we are in. Even addicts in recovery realize that we are here to gain experiences, to learn and grow. With as short as our lifespans are (on the cosmic scale anyway) we go through so much in such a short amount of time. The extremes in everything from environment to emotions can be hard to believe at times. It is not unlike the extremes in polarity between being in active addiction and sobriety. Whatever the case, we need to focus more on gaining experiences in this lifetime because what we take with us when we leave here will be knowledge and relationships gained, everything else will stay right here.

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    25 mins