• Consciousness of the Rhythm of Addiction and Sobriety
    Dec 23 2024

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    in this episode of My Sober Addiction, we take a tiny peek into Hermeticism and how the Principles of Polarity and Rhythm apply to our lives, particularly to addiction and sobriety. Even when we are living sober, addiction always seems to still pop in and say hello from time to time through temptation to relapse. The opposite was true, also. When we were in active addiction, sobriety always seemed to want to say hello occasionally, too, when we really felt that burning desire to get sober. The pendulum does swing back and forth from addiction to sobriety, and it will do so regardless of which end of it we are on. What’s dangerous is when we are not aware of this fact and we then ride along with it.
    In the Kybalion, it teaches the Law of Neutralization. This is when we become aware of the fact that the two polar opposites do flow back and forth in a rhythm, addiction and sobriety. Once we are aware of this, though, we can rise above it and not go back and forth with it. We can simply acknowledge that it is there, that sometimes we are more tempted than other times, and let it go. We do not have to ride that roller coaster any longer. It’s still there, yes, but now we, from above it all, can simply observe it and not participate in it.
    Please rate and review this podcast wherever you listen to podcasts. Also, please check me out on YouTube at MattStevensMSA, and on Substack as Matt Stevens. I am also on X and am getting more and more active there daily. X is a great way to interact and stay in touch and encourage each other throughout the day. Please follow me there. And let me know you’re a listener of My Sober Addiction so that I will know to follow you back.
    Much love and respect!

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    26 mins
  • Addiction n’ Holidays and Recovery n’ Gratitude n’ Stuff
    Dec 10 2024

    Something on your mind? Send Matt a text here!

    In this episode of My Sober Addiction, we are continuing with getting back to talking about addiction and recovery. The YouTube channel is where the metaphysical stuff will be from now on. Here, we are returning to talking about addiction, recovery, relapse prevention and moving on into our lives sober, happy and healthy, wealthy and free.
    During the holiday season (November and December) it is an excellent time for us to reflect back on our time in active addition and realize how far we’ve come. It really puts things into perspective. Remembering how life was back then when we couldn’t afford to buy gifts, or travel out of town to visit family, or anything that pulled us away from the 24/7 hustle that supplied our dope habits. Isn’t it nice that we do not have to live that way any more? Isn’t it nice that we can buy gifts and go out of town and spend time with family and just everything that goes with the holiday season that we weren’t able to do when we were still in active addiction? Recovery sounds even better when you look at it that way! Go on a little walk down Memory Lane with me in this episode and let’s be so very grateful for sobriety and all that it has done for us. Much love and respect!
    Please find me on YouTube as Matt Stevens MSA and support the channel, it would mean so much to me. Also, find me on X (previously Twitter) with the handle, Matt Stevens MSA.

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    28 mins
  • What If You Had Never Found Addiction?
    Nov 25 2024

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    Surprise! Ol’ Matty is back to focusing on addiction in the audio podcast. The YouTube channel has freed me up so that all my interests in metaphysical topics can be discussed there. This makes it so that My Sober Addiction can return to being primarily about addiction, sobriety and sober living. Don’t get it twisted, though, I’m still who I am and I will still go off the deep end into the metaphysical woo woo stuff about the Nature of Reality, Consciousness, Spirituality and Reality Creation and all that.
    In this episode of My Sober Addiction, we explore the possibility of parallel/ alternate realities and how things could have or would have been if you had gotten sober sooner, or maybe if you had never used drugs in the first place. If you could “quantum jump” into a different version of yourself and had never fallen into the throes of addiction, would you? The easy answer is yes but then what would that mean exactly?
    Quote by Deepak Chopra, “For every choice we make, there is another possible choice that leads to a different version of ourselves.”

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    27 mins
  • Finding Purpose Now That You Are Sober
    Nov 10 2024

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    On this episode of My Sober Addiction, we discuss finding purpose and meaning after you’ve gotten sober. In the Sober Living community, there are many who find spirituality and/or religion in very big ways. As addicts are known to do, they throw themselves into it fully, further proving that we don’t know how to do anything in moderation. Addiction is a mental disease and we continue to prove this fact even in sobriety. A lot of addicts new to sobriety find themselves aligning with the more alternative spiritual philosophies and go down that road, which is perfectly fine. However, in the esoteric new age community we hear a lot of people say they are “star seeds” or “wanderers” which basically means they’re originally not from Earth and have incarnated here for some purpose. Then, you hear those who will say they hate life here and feel homesick or a longing to return home, but then they’re confused because they can’t even tell you where that even is with any certainty. I am not judging. In fact, I’ll go with you and say that there are distinct possibilities that you have lived other lifetimes on other worlds, but that doesn’t mean that’s where you’re from. Ultimately you are from the Source (the Creator) and will return there at some point, once you’ve done whatever it is that you came here to do. So, relax, everything is fine. Yes, life in this Construct can be very difficult but remember that you didn’t come here for no good reason, so find your purpose and get to it. I would venture to guess that your time in active addiction did have something to do with all this.
    Please check out my YouTube channel (@MattStevensMSA) and on Substack (Matt Stevens) and give a subscribe. I appreciate all your support!
    Much love and Respect!

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    28 mins
  • Empathy and Attention Addiction with Kitty as Guest
    Oct 28 2024

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    Kitty joins me in this 40th episode of My Sober Addiction where we talk about empathy and what it means to be an empath. More specifically, a conscious empath. The types of people who are drawn to empaths can range from people who simply need to vent to people who are sympathy seeking life energy sucking vampires. Also, we introduce Kitty’s new YouTube channel, Real Life SOS, which you need to check out! There she talks real life advice about topics which are as simple as they are profound such as “be nice!” or “call your mom!” As ridiculously simple as those messages may be, you may be shocked to know how many people need to hear them. Of course, she delivers these messages in a way that only Kitty can…so there’s that.
    We wrap this one up by talking about a mother’s love and how it feels to have your own kids struggle with addiction.
    Please check me out on Substack (Matt Stevens) and on YouTube (@MattStevensMSA) and on X. Much love and respect!

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    31 mins
  • Roadblocks, Curveballs and the Upside of Down
    Oct 14 2024

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    In this episode of My Sober Addiction, we revisit the topic of roadblocks and how they are very positive signs in your life. If you’ve kicked addiction and gotten sober and now moving on with your life, you may be seeing some roadblocks and/or curveballs coming your way but let that encourage you instead of the opposite. Why? Because it’s a very, very good sign that you’re on the right path. We know that we are spiritual beings and don’t have to skirt around issues dealing with that, so I don’t pretend that there is no adversarial force in the world that would like nothing more than to keep people down. Sadly, it gets it’s way with people more often than not, but not with you, dear loved one! You have overcame so much already by kicking addiction and living a sober life against the odds that you are now wired to handle diversity. It seems that when we are on the wrong path things just kind of flow, or continue as business as usual. However, when we are moving in the direction of the goals we choose to manifest something seems to try to get us off track. See this as a good sign that you’re on the verge of something big and lean into your efforts even more and push through.
    Much love and respect!
    Please rate and review this podcast wherever you listen to audio podcasts.
    Also, please check out my YouTube channel (MattStevensMSA) and my Substack (Matt Stevens) and don’t forget to subscribe.

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    30 mins
  • Awakening to Sobriety and Purpose
    Sep 30 2024

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    In this episode of My Sober Addiction, we are looking into exactly what does the term “spiritual awakening” actually mean? Do we ever become fully awakened spiritually? And what abuse, neglect and/or trauma caused us to seek some sort of refuge, and then find it in addiction in the first place? At first, the drugs seemed to be the perfect answer to everything that ever bothered us, but then very quickly they became a new kind of hell all their own. We then found ourselves searching for answers and sobriety, religion briefly seemed the perfect cure for our addictions. Then even that let us down, but not before showing us that there is something bigger than we are, something even bigger than our addictions.Hello, Spirituality! We discovered that we do have a Higher Power and that all this abuse and trauma and addiction and all the struggling with getting sober, and probably several relapses and overdoses was all preparing us for something. It was preparing us to search outside ourselves for answers but really, the answers are all inside us and have been all along. Let’s dig a little deeper and figure out what really makes us tick and what led us to this particular spiritual path, the path of spiritual awakening…ad still, what exactly IS “awakening” anyway? What’s it got to do with drugs, addiction, sobriety, religion or anything? Let’s see if we can figure it out together.
    Please check me out on YouTube (@MattStevensMSA) and on Substack (Matt Stevens) and subscribe, it would mean a lot and I would so very much appreciate your support.
    Much love and respect!

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    26 mins
  • The Money Episode, Check Your Feelings
    Sep 23 2024

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    In this episode of My Sober Addiction, we are talking about some hard truths about our attitudes towards money and success. A lot of people have fallen into the trap of believing that success is very hard to achieve or that anyone who has had success and accumulated wealth did it by some nefarious means. Whether that’s true or not is completely irrelevant. It doesn’t matter if the system is rigged and some bad people have made out like bandits or not, that has nothing to do with us!
    Addicts in recovery, as I always say, are in a particularly unique position in that we have an incredible amount of momentum going for us just by getting sober in the first place. We are in a position when we begin sober living to do something amazing with ourselves, and to then be examples of what addicts in recovery can accomplish. We just can not allow ourselves to fall into those traps of thinking that it can’t be done or that the deck is stacked against us. Those views instill resentment towards successful people and wealth which will almost guarantee that you will not succeed. How could you if you resent success and wealth? Or, if you see it as completely out of reach? I love you enough to tell you the hard truth about yourself and help to pull you up out of that muck.
    Please find my YouTube channel @MattStevensMSA and find me on Substack.com at Matt Stevens
    Much love and respect!

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    24 mins