• Guide to Eating an Elephant
    Jan 15 2025

    We need a Revolution, not a Resolution!

    I try not to use profanity in these emails, but we need to talk about a serious topic. The topic is... exercise. I'm sorry for my language. If you're like me, you get an allergic reaction when words of this nature come up. I generally get red in the face, sweat profusely, and even hyperventilate thus an allergic reaction.

    However, many people at this time of year are ready for a fresh start. All of us have our reasons: unsatisfied with how we look, health concerns, lack of energy, and so on. Regardless of the reason, together we need to make this year the year we stay consistent and stick to our goals. We need a revolution rather than another New Year's resolution.

    In order to make any serious change, we need to start small and simple. What is the best way to eat an elephant...one bite at a time. The KISS (keep it simple silly) principle will take us much further than we think is possible.

    Here is my simple suggestion. Push-ups and squats. No weights or gym memberships are needed. Push-ups and squats cover the majority of the muscle groups and your body provides the resistance needed to challenge yourself for strength and endurance.

    Here is your exercise prescription (21 days).

    Day 1: 1 push-up and 1 squat.

    Day 2: 2 push-ups and 2 squats.

    Day 3: 3 push-ups and 3 squats...




    Day 21: 21 push-ups and 21 squats.

    I hope you find this encouraging and something that is easily attainable! If you have questions, let us know through email, phone, or text!


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    5 mins
  • What are You Known for?
    Jan 1 2025

    Do you only talk about Yourself?

    "I got a fire truck for Christmas." -Boy

    "I baked a mountain of cookies." -Girl

    "My dog peed on our Christmas tree." -Boy

    "I don't like green bean casserole." -Girl

    Have you ever listened to little kids communicate with each other? Often it seems like 2 conversations are happening at the same time. Each kid is eager to have someone listen to them and their story. Usually, this results in them not listening to the other person but waiting for their chance to speak again.

    How often do we, as adults, do this? We are stressed and busy, trying to be polite but not actually listening. "I've got bigger problems than to listen to your problems."

    When we are so focused on ourselves and our problems, we give partial attention to our friends and family. We then become known for our absences. You're known for not being fully present or even worse, you become known for only talking about yourself. For 2025, what do you want to be known for?


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    6 mins
  • How the Grinch Stole Cracker Barrel
    Dec 18 2024

    You're a mean one Mrs. Grinch

    There is a restaurant that our boys love to go to, but this restaurant makes Ellen and I turn Grinch green...Cracker Barrel! Our boys' love for this place is the same reason we despise it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the food. Actually, the food is quite delicious. My question to the Cracker Barrel owners is, why? Why all the toys? Why does taking the boys out to eat turn into Christmas in July?

    Yes, I already know what you are going to say. "You don't have to buy them a toy every time you go." You would be correct and that is what a good parent would do. However, the boys have more toys than Walmart (slight exaggeration) because their dad says "yes" a lot.

    Late one night, when all the Mosier boys were asleep (including myself), the pregnant Grinch came out to organize and remove unused toys. Let's just say my F-150 was fully loaded down. The pregnant Grinch smiled and waved as she drove off to Goodwill.

    Lucky for the boys, Christmas is right around the corner and their jolly father will make up for what that mean pregnant Grinch lady did with all the toys (just kidding).

    What is more important to the boys is our presence rather than the presents this Christmas. Often, we find ourselves busy with a project or tired from work. We aren't fully present in the moment. We hope during this season you can take time with your friends and family and be present.


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    8 mins
  • Buddy that's not an Apple
    Dec 11 2024

    “Apple! Apple!” Ethan pointed for an apple from the counter. What he thought were apples were actually homegrown tomatoes. Ellen sighed knowing it was pointless to argue with a toddler so she handed him a tomato. She glanced back at me and smiled as my jaw hit the floor. The sheer look of disgust on Ethan's face was priceless. Lesson learned, if mom says its a tomato, it's probably a tomato.

    Life lessons are learned from experiences. This is where wisdom is developed and how we choose to respond to the experience. You have probably heard the old saying, "Our wisdom comes with age but sometimes age comes alone." Our wisdom is developed by how we respond to adversities and challenges that we face. Ethan didn't ask for any more tomato- apples because his 2-year old mind just got a little wiser.

    What is great about wisdom is that it can be passed down. Majority of us have someone that look up to us. All of us have people we look up to and are inspired by throughout our lives. My encouragement today is simple: share and listen.

    Often, we are willing to share about a new restaurant or the new local boutique down the street. However, how often do we share the life lessons we have learned? Or maybe some of the adversities/challenges we have overcome? How often do we genuinely listen to the wisdom being given to us even when it's not what we want to hear?

    "No Ethan, that is not an apple."


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    6 mins
  • Green Death: Carburetor Trouble?
    Dec 4 2024

    Green death. If you are involved with dirt track racing, you may be familiar with this terminology. Apparently, after chatting with Emily and Kenrick (my future brother-in-law) about their racing dreams and goals, certain engine types cannot be stored and forgotten about during the winter.

    After eating hamburgers and hotdogs at Ethan's 2nd birthday party, Kenrick told me about how his car sat out for too long and it wouldn't start the other night. He got right to work on the carburetor. (If you are like me and didn't know what a carburetor does, I googled it for us. It's used to mix fuel and air together before sending the mix into the engine cylinders for ignition, powering the vehicle.) Since he is running an alcohol engine, it has the ability to develop an algae mold substance in the carburetor that could tear up the engine.

    Often, we forget that we are running a really expensive engine...our bodies. Similar to Kenrick's racecar requiring alcohol as fuel, our body needs fuel to run properly. The fuel we put into our body has a direct correlation to our health and performance.

    Another aspect of this lesson I learned from my racing friend, is that we have to rev up our engines. Sometimes, we have to move our bodies and get our heart rate up. What this does, is increase our immune system and burns off some of that green sludge of death (viruses and bacteria.) You essentially sweat it out. We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family. If you have questions, concerns, or even prayer requests regarding your fitness goals; feel free to email us back.


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    9 mins
  • Thanksgiving in Hospital: We Have a Tyrannosaurus at our Table
    Nov 27 2024

    "He's blue, why is he blue?" That was my initial thought when Ethan was born, 2 years ago. The first week of his life was spent in the NICCU fighting to breathe. We spent Thanksgiving in the hospital that year.

    Often, I wondered how I was going to drive home with an empty car seat. During that time, while I was holding him in the middle of the night with wires and tubes everywhere, I made a promise to him and myself that he would never have to see me hooked up to wires and monitors.

    At the time I was closer to 400lbs than I was 300lbs. My weight and my health continued to get out of control. Fast forward 2 years, Ethan is walking, talking, and table climbing; a tyrannosaurus of a toddler. Even with my ups and downs, I'm down a little over 50lbs.

    For many of us, there is no easy path for our weight loss journey. However, I will give you one tip during your Thanksgiving and even set you up for success in the upcoming weeks. Drink water and lots of it! The rule of thumb is to drink half of your body weight in fluid ounces. Therefore, if you weigh 200lbs, then you should drink 100 ounces of water per day. There are many benefits to drinking water such as increased metabolism, more energy, and satisfied stomach. This simple tip will keep you energetic and from over-eating this Thanksgiving. You will be left with more energy to be present with your loved ones during this season. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving! I am so thankful for you!


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    11 mins
  • If you think you can't, you're right
    Nov 21 2024

    What is your limiting belief?
    If you think you can't, you're right

    "Camper, camper, I see a camper." Isaac can spot a camper a mile away. He loves camping so much that it's always on his 5-year old mind.

    Our brains focus on what we want to focus on. Take for instance, you get a new car, suddenly you begin to see your make and model of that car everywhere you go. Cars similar to yours have always been on the road, you're just now noticing them. Just like Isaac, your brain filters in what you want to focus on or what you don't.

    This process comes from a bundle of nerves in your brainstem called, reticular activating system (RAS). Our brain has to conserve energy and is unable to focus on every single stimulus the brain receives; therefore, the RAS acts as a filter and allows us to focus our attention on specific stimuli.

    When it comes to mental health, your RAS can work for you or against you. This is where limiting beliefs come in. For example, if you think and tell yourself that you are "stupid" and "dumb," then your RAS will seek and find scenarios that confirm this belief you have of yourself. So, the next time someone asks you a question, and you feel "dumb" your limiting belief is solidified.

    Great news! You are not up a creek without a paddle. Affirmations can turn your limiting beliefs around. Our brains only believe what we say about ourselves. Our brains don't care what your close friends say, "you are smart, funny, and great to be around" or what your spouse says, "no honey, your butt doesn't look big in those pants." You will only believe what you tell yourself which is where positive affirmations can change your life.

    Do yourself a favor and write down your biggest limiting belief and then write down the opposite of your limiting belief as your affirmation. For the next week, repeat your affirmation 3 times a day.

    Please reach out and let me know what you experience after the 7 days. If you enjoyed this episode and found it helpful, please share it with your friends and family. If you received this from someone and would like to receive more episodes like this, please subscribe.

    Your friend,
    Dr. Mosier


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    4 mins