• Ep. 54 How to Activate Spiritual Abundance & Reclaim Your Divine Inheritance
    Oct 18 2024

    Part 3 of the ASA series!! This is the big big!! How to activate spiritual abundance! 1 - Cultivate the belief that you already have everything you need within you. Your circumstances reflect your inner world. 2 - Understand and respect the power of your thoughts. Teach yourself to give energy to the ones that uplift you and leave you feeling the way you WANT to feel. 3 - Become self-validating. Let the feeling be enough. Make feeling good a PRIORITY. This is where external validation has to go BYE BYE. 4 - Cultivate presence to create awareness of the provider within you. When you are truly present, you are automatically connected to unconditional love, peace, and freedom. 5 - Understand and own that your feelings are only yours. No one can make you feel anything you don’t already feel. Take responsibility for your emotional well-being and say goodbye to projecting and blaming! Watch the full video for a more in-depth dive into each of these points. You’ve got this! Your abundance is already inside of you just awaiting your powerful attention and recognition! Follow for more content like this and for spiritual abundance readings that are intended to support you in activating your own! And if you need a private reading to deep dive into what’s blocking your spiritual abundance in the subconscious mind and RECLAIM your Divine Inheritance, book at takewhatresonateswithhanna.com

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    34 mins
  • Ep. 53 3 Blocks to Your Spiritual Abundance
    Oct 16 2024

    Following the first video about what spiritual abundance is and why it matters…today in the Activating Spiritual Abundance series, we discussed three major blocks to your natural flow. This flow of energy exists inside of you, independent of anything going on around you! And you can tap into it whenever and wherever! But to access it, there are some things we have to stop giving our energy to. We talk about these in depth in this video!

    Tomorrow, I’ll be taking this even further and discussing some helpful points about activating this flow in your life right where you are! Make sure you’re subscribed! And if you need a private reading, you can book at takewhatresonateswithhanna.com

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    28 mins
  • Ep. 52 You're More ABUNDANT Than You THINK • Activating Spiritual Abundance
    Oct 15 2024

    In part 1 of this series, Activating Spiritual Abundance, I define “spiritual abundance” and explain why it’s important to become aware of your own! My intention with this series is to offer you a different perspective on abundance so that you can tap into your own whenever and wherever. But in a way that feels free and truly infinite because those feelings aren’t based on anything other than you. You get to decide how to feel and what to think. That’s what I hope to offer to you in this series. Tomorrow, we’ll dig into what blocks our natural sense of abundance. Make sure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss future chats on spiritual abundance! For private readings: takewhatresonateswithhanna.com/work-with-hanna Newsletter: https://takewhatresonateswithhanna.aweb.page/p/eae60467-ad0c-45c8-b930-8160af1c7025

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    32 mins
  • Ep. 51 Unblock Your Intuitive Clarity • One Love Series
    Oct 12 2024

    The One Love Series is where I channel the collective heart, using the Tarot, to get insights that can help us each improve our lives. A collective change requires an individual change. As always, only take what resonates.

    Today, on the One Love series, I asked Source: What do we need to hear today that could support us in some way? We received a message about blocked intuitive clarity and confirmation about how close peace really is. There’s a collective desire for peace, for a reprieve. But it’s something we have to learn to GIVE to ourselves within first.

    There was a discussion about creating more moderation in our lives around what we give our focus to. It would benefit us greatly to give our attention to releasing the resistance to our Divine nature. Because our disrupted focus makes it difficult for us to hear or trust our intuitive clarity. It’s time for us to stop relying on the affirmation of the world and instead become our own providers.

    Source is calling us to open up the dialogue between our emotional selves and our mental selves. All parts of us deserve to be heard. And if we want a genuine sense of peace in our hearts and in our lives, we’re going to need our whole selves to accomplish that. Without balance, peace gives way to chaos. Watch the full message on YouTube, Spotify, or Amazon on Take What Resonates with Hanna. If you need a private reading to explore these themes more deeply in your life, book your reading at takewhatresonateswithhanna.com/work-with-hanna!

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    18 mins
  • Ep. 50 Reflect On Your Progress • One Love Series
    Oct 10 2024

    The One Love Series is where I channel the collective heart, using the Tarot, to get insights that can help us each improve our lives. A collective change requires an individual change. As always, only take what resonates.

    Today on the One Love series, I asked Source: What have we already accomplished that we can be grateful for now, amplifying and creating more of that goodness in our world?

    Some of the messages that came through:

    • We’ve tapped into and cultivated a collective inner well/resource of hope, faith, and inner clarity thanks to individual work.
    • Source is inviting us to acknowledge how far we’ve actually come in our personal journies and is encouraging us to take time out to reflect on this.
    • There are habits that need to be unpacked and cleaned up - strands of the past that, once reconciled, will allow us to enjoy more fruits of our inner-work labor.
    • Where are we letting our unconscious patterns overshadow the progress we’ve made? This is going to become more obvious the more you practice presence with yourself.
    • Inner-conflict is coming to an end thanks to the work you’ve done. You’re now equipped to handle the conflict around you within yourself but you need to put this into practice more. It will get easier with consistency. Stay the course!

    Source helped us see that while we’re still in limbo or transitioning from one state of being to the next, it’s helpful and important for us to see our progress. And my, how we have come so far as a collective! But we’re still navigating old habits and remnants of our past selves. We’re still clunking around in our new identities, trying to find balance. This is our opportunity to work out the kinks. But first, let’s take a moment to celebrate!

    Source suggests we make a list of reflections about all the things we’ve personally overcome within ourselves/lives, emphasizing the internal challenges. By doing this, you’ll further build momentum within this new direction. Appreciation only creates more reasons to feel appreciation. And that’s the secret ingredient here that will carry you into the next phase.

    Watch the full message on YouTube, Spotify, or Amazon on Take What Resonates with Hanna. If you need a private reading to explore these themes more deeply in your life, book your reading at takewhatresonateswithhanna.com/work-with-hanna!

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    23 mins
  • Ep. 49 Stop Hiding from Yourself • One Love Series
    Oct 9 2024

    The One Love Series is where I channel the collective heart, using the Tarot, to get insights that can help us each improve our lives. A collective change requires an individual change. As always, only take what resonates.

    Today I asked Source: what do we need to shift our perspective on the most right now? The main points we covered (in summary):

    - There's an unconscious fear causing us to become ruthless with others, attract circumstances where we are victims, and/or feel burdened by the suffering caused by others.

    - There's a CTA to face our hidden fears and embrace vulnerability - our future depends on it!

    - There's a need for us to reclaim our awareness of our contributions to the collective chaos. We must surrender BLAME and embrace emotional maturity!

    This question was answered by a bright light shining on a darkness in the collective heart. Source showed me the part of ourselves that feels entitled to anger and disrespect of others on a grand scale and on a mundane level. Another way this translates is for those of us who feel our heart's burdened by the meanness of others/the world.Source is pointing out the existence of this pattern inside of us individually.

    We're being invited to face what's underneath this aggressive, ruthless, bully-ish energy. Which is FEAR. Its a combination of this fed-up-ness and fear of being at the mercy of our external environments. Fed-up-ness because deep down, we know we're only at the mercy of the external world to the extent we believe we are. It all comes down to what we believe.

    But if we want to have a chance at setting ourselves free from this (and the world), we must be willing to be vulnerable with ourselves. Are you willing to face the fear hiding behind your anger or your resentment or the abuse you witness/experience? I have an endless list of reasons why I could see myself as a victim (childhood abuse, bullying, abandonment, etc.) but I choose my sense of power and wholeness. I choose to see these painful experiences as originating on the stage of my unconscious mind first. By doing that, I have the key in my hands that can unlock my prison door. The same is being offered here to you, friend. Are you going to take it and finally choose happiness?

    Or do you want to continue being angry at the world for its unresolved fear? Because when you're angry at the world for its brutality, you're also angry at the cause of that behavior: fear. And when you're angry at the world, you're also angry at yourself. Don't take my word for it. Dig in and see for yourself.

    Watch the full message on YouTube, Spotify, or Amazon on Take What Resonates with Hanna. If you need a private reading to explore these unconscious patterns in your life so you can find your freedom, book your reading at takewhatresonateswithhanna.com/work-with-hanna!

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    32 mins
  • Ep. 48 Shift and Update Your Priorities/Intentions • One Love Series
    Oct 8 2024

    Today in the One Love Series, I asked Source: what guidance does the collective heart need right now? What do we need to hear? Source answered us with a conversation about where we’re devoting our energy and feeling unfulfilled by it. Some of us have intentions that need to be updated. This will boost our productivity! Others of us need to shift our priorities completely if we truly want to feel fulfilled before we expire.

    Meaning that what we are focusing on (in our outlook on life) is the source of what’s leading us to burnout and a dissatisfying life. And it’s rooted in our mindSET. It’s why we find ourselves in jobs or relationships that don’t fulfill us but instead feel like HARD WORK.

    This reading, in particular, highlighted those of us working jobs we can’t stand or who are trying trying trying only for things not to work out. The voice in your head that pleads, “Why does life have to be so hard?” is hinting at something. The higher expression of that question turns into a statement: Life can feel natural and fulfilling. It doesn’t have to be this hard. Life can feel sweet. This is what Source is offering to us today. But we have to be willing to accept this idea as a possibility if we ever want it to be true for us.

    Source offers guidance by saying to re-evaluate. Check-in with yourself about what’s disturbing you. I put this into practice myself and discovered a misaligned intention that was causing me to seek validation from comments/views/etc. Instead of fulfilling myself and giving myself the attention/love I need. I can feel my cup filling more and more as I acclimate to this awareness. The same can happen for you. It just might take some uncomfortable self-reflecting. I got to this clarity from looking my discomfort and reluctance to show up in the face vs reacting to it in some unproductive energy.

    So tune in if you resonate with this and see what guidance Source has for you. Watch the full message on YouTube, Amazon, or Spotify. Book a private reading at takewhatresonateswithhanna.com/work-with-hanna

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    29 mins
  • Ep. 47 Inner Work TRANSFORMS Outer Challenges • One Love Series
    Oct 5 2024

    In today’s One Love message, we asked Source: what subconscious truth are we neglecting or avoiding right now that the collective heart needs to acknowledge for growth; what types of challenges is this creating in our lives; what changes can take place if we transform this within ourselves?

    We learned that we influence our external challenges more than we realize. We learned that we can create harmony in our external environments by harnessing and controlling the opposing forces within ourselves. Once again, Source is pointing us to our own power. Spirit is saying, “when you get yourself in balance, I can then create balance around you.”

    If you’re up against situations that are exhausting you and burning you out, you may be fighting the wrong battles. It’s time to go within and ask ourselves, “What am I fighting for and do I even agree with this anymore?” It’s time we stop resisting change because change is happening if we like it or not. Reclaim your inner Divinity by accepting your influence over your life (and the larger collective).

    If you need help identifying the subconscious patterns keeping you stuck that are playing out in your external challenges, book a “Breakthrough” reading, and I will spotlight them FOR you! Once you have eyes on the root of the issue, the solution or way out becomes obvious. Book your reading at takewhatresonateswithhanna.com/work-with-hanna

    🔮Weekly Newsletter:https://takewhatresonateswithhanna.aweb.page/p/eae60467-ad0c-45c8-b930-8160af1c7025

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    🔮Contact hannamasen@takewhatresonateswithhanna.com

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    30 mins